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  1. Naive physics.Barry Smith & Roberto Casati - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (2):227 – 247.
    The project of a 'naive physics' has been the subject of attention in recent years above all in the artificial intelligence field, in connection with work on common-sense reasoning, perceptual representation and robotics. The idea of a theory of the common-sense world is however much older than this, having its roots not least in the work of phenomenologists and Gestalt psychologists such as K hler, Husserl, Schapp and Gibson. This paper seeks to show how contemporary naive physicists can profit from (...)
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  • Logic in reality.Joseph E. Brenner - 2008 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    The work is the presentation of a logical theory - Logic in Reality (LIR) - and of applications of that theory in natural science and philosophy, including ...
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  • Formal ontology, common sense, and cognitive science.Barry Smith - 1995 - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 43 (5-6):641–667.
    Common sense is on the one hand a certain set of processes of natural cognition - of speaking, reasoning, seeing, and so on. On the other hand common sense is a system of beliefs (of folk physics, folk psychology and so on). Over against both of these is the world of common sense, the world of objects to which the processes of natural cognition and the corresponding belief-contents standardly relate. What are the structures of this world? How does the scientific (...)
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  • Hysteresis dynamics, bursting oscillations and evolution to chaotic regimes.J.-P. Françoise & C. Piquet - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):381-392.
    This article describes new aspects of hysteresis dynamics which have been uncovered through computer experiments. There are several motivations to be interested in fast-slow dynamics. For instance, many physiological or biological systems display different time scales. The bursting oscillations which can be observed in neurons, β-cells of the pancreas and population dynamics are essentially studied via bifurcation theory and analysis of fast-slow systems (Keener and Sneyd, 1998; Rinzel, 1987). Hysteresis is a possible mechanism to generate bursting oscillations. A first part (...)
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  • The grammar of aesthetic intuition: on Ernst Cassirer’s concept of symbolic form in the visual arts.Peer F. Bundgaard - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):43-57.
    This paper provides a précis of Ernst Cassirer’s concept of art as a symbolic form. It does so, though, in a specific respect. It points to the fact that Cassirer’s concept of “symbolic form” is two-sided. On the one hand, the concept captures general cultural phenomena that are not only meaningful but also manifest the way man makes sense of the world; thus myth, religion, and art are considered general symbolic forms. On the other hand, it captures the formal structures (...)
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  • Introduction: Language and Worldviews.Nathalie Gontier, Diana Couto, Matthieu Fontaine, Lorenzo Magnani & Selene Arfini - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):439-445.
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  • Naive Fizyka: Esej w ontologii.Roberto Casati & Barry Smith - 2012 - Science Blog.
    W dziełach Arystotelesa, lub z medievals, jak również w pismach późniejszych zdroworozsądkowe filozofów, takich jak Thomas Reid czy GE Moore’a, możemy znaleźć rodzinę różnych prób uporania się ze strukturami rozsądku i wspólnego -sense świat, który jest nam dany w normalnym, doświadczenie pre-teoretycznym. Będziemy argumentować, co wynika, że ​​teoria takich struktur stanowi ważny i dotychczas niedoceniany związek między wczesnym psychologii Gestalt z jednej strony, oraz współczesnych osiągnięć w filozofii i sztucznej inteligencji badań na innych.
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  • La physique naïve: un essai d'ontologie.Barry Smith & Roberto Casati - 1993 - Intellectica 17 (2):173--197.
    The project of a naive physics has been the subject of attention in recent years above all in the artificial intelligence field, in connection with work on common-sense reasoning, perceptual representation and robotics. The idea of a theory of the common-sense world is however much older than this, having its roots not least in the work of phenomenologists and Gestalt psychologists such as Kohler, Husserl, Schapp and Gibson. This paper seeks to show how contemporary naive physicists can profit from a (...)
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  • En cas de catastrophe. Les systèmes casuels et la dynamique qualitative. Wildgen - manuscript
    Contribution à la Journée : Jean Petitot. Le souci de la rationalité, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Bâtiment L, salle 212 (organisée par Olivia Chevalier-Chandeigne) 29 mai 2015 .
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  • 2. Wildgen, Wolfgang, 2015a. Dynamique narrative du texte, du film et de la musique.Wolfgang Wildgen - 2015 - , In: Cahiers de Narratologie. Analyses Et Théories Narratives, 28 (Numéro: Le Récit Comme Acte Cognitif). Link : Http://Narratologie.Revues.Org/7243 28.
    Narrativity is basically linked to the dynamics of the events and actions which are told and it depends on the pragmatic context, mainly on the narrator and his audience, i.e. on the discursive setting. These dynamics ask for an adequate theoretical frame, e.g. in the format of dynamical system theory or vector analysis. Furthermore, narrativity can be manifested in different modalities. We shall present some specimens of analysis in the linguistic modality (spontaneous oral tales, folktales), in the visual modality (painting (...)
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  • Definition and Identity of the living being.Andre Pichot - 1994 - World Futures 42 (1):21-29.
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  • Questions regarding Husserlian geometry and phenomenology. A study of the concept of manifold and spatial perception.Luciano Boi - 2004 - Husserl Studies 20 (3):207-267.
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  • Computational domestication of ignorant entities.Lorenzo Magnani - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7503-7532.
    Eco-cognitive computationalism considers computation in context, following some of the main tenets advanced by the recent cognitive science views on embodied, situated, and distributed cognition. It is in the framework of this eco-cognitive perspective that we can usefully analyze the recent attention in computer science devoted to the importance of the simplification of cognitive and motor tasks caused in organic entities by the morphological features: ignorant bodies can be domesticated to become useful “mimetic bodies”, that is able to render an (...)
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  • Language: The “Ultimate Artifact” to Build, Develop, and Update Worldviews.Lorenzo Magnani, Alger Sans Pinillos & Selene Arfini - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):461-470.
    What role does language play in the process of building worldviews? To address this question, in the first section of this paper we will clarify what we mean by worldviews and how they differ, in our perspective, from cosmovisions. In a nutshell, we define worldviews as the biological interpretations agents create of the world around them and cosmovision the more general cultural-based reflections on it. After presenting our definition for worldview, we will also present the multi-shaped viewpoint that frames our (...)
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  • The Poitiers School of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology: Besson–Gavaudan–Schützenberger’s Conjectures on Genetic Code and RNA Structures.J. Demongeot & H. Hazgui - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):403-426.
    The French school of theoretical biology has been mainly initiated in Poitiers during the sixties by scientists like J. Besson, G. Bouligand, P. Gavaudan, M. P. Schützenberger and R. Thom, launching many new research domains on the fractal dimension, the combinatorial properties of the genetic code and related amino-acids as well as on the genetic regulation of the biological processes. Presently, the biological science knows that RNA molecules are often involved in the regulation of complex genetic networks as effectors, e.g., (...)
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  • Is it possible to equilibrate the different “levels” of an imbalanced biological system by acting upon one of them only? Example of the agonistic antagonistic networks.E. Bernard-Weil - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):271-285.
    To answer the question in the title, we take as an example the model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples (MRAAC). It is a model that associates 4 non-linear differential equations and allows to simulate balance, imbalance between two state variables, and control, if necessary, by two control variables of the same nature as the state variables: this control is defined as a bilateral strategy (bipolar therapy in the medical field). The super model for the regulation of agonism antagonistic (...)
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  • Towards a model of host-parasite relationships.L. Dujardin & E. Dei-cas - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (3-4):253-266.
    The question asked in this article is: what is a parasite?. Defining a parasite requires defining its host at the same time. A difficult question therefore arises about host-parasite relationships. The object of general parasitology is in fact to study the relationship between a host and its parasite. The initial question what is a parasite? has to be reformulated within a conceptual framework, that of relationship. This article is an attempt to transpose into parasitology some concepts which have been profitable (...)
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  • Dynamical systems and depression: A framework for theoretical perspectives.N. Thomasson & L. Pezard - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (3-4):209-218.
    The theory of dynamical systems allows one to describe the change in a system' 's macroscopic behavior as a bifurcation in the underlying dynamics. We show here, from the example of depressive syndrome, the existence of a correspondence between clinical and electro-physiological dimensions and the association between clinical remission and brain dynamics reorganization. On the basis of this experimental study, we discuss the interest of such results concerning the question of normality versus pathology in psychiatry and the relationship between mind (...)
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  • Predation and generation processes through a new representation of the cusp catastrophe.Ph Lacorre - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (2):93-115.
    A new formulation of the cusp catastrophe is used to model the fundamental biological functions of predation and reproduction. This new representation lies on the decomposition of the overall cusp potential in two component potentials individualising the conflicting pregnances. It results in a more accurate and less problematic description than the original proposition by R. Thom, mostly due to the use of parameters with strong physical and evocative power. For instance, it gives a very suggestive account for such biologically significant (...)
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