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  1. Care and Justice in the Global Context.Virginia Held - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (2):141-155.
    . Morality is often dismissed as irrelevant in what is seen as the global anarchy of rival states each pursuing its national interest. When morality is invoked, it is usually the morality of justice with its associated moral conceptions of individual rights, equality, and universal law. In the area of moral theory, an alternative moral approach, the ethics of care, has been developed in recent years. It is beginning to influence how some see their global responsibilities.
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  • There Is a Crack in Everything: Problematising Masculinities, Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice.Brandon Hamber - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):9-34.
    The study of masculinity, particularly in peacebuilding and transitional justice contexts, is gradually emerging. The article outlines three fissures evident in the embryonic scholarship, that is the privileging of direct violence and its limited focus, the continuities and discontinuities in militarised violence into peace time, and the tensions between new masculinities and wider inclusive social change. The article argues for the importance of making visible the tensions between different masculinities and how masculinities are deeply entangled with systems of power and (...)
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  • The many gendered faces of teachers’ views on schools and security.Aida Alvinius & Arita Holmberg - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (1):71-85.
    This article analyses the gendered nature of teachers’ views on schools and security. Current research on security emphasizes masculinity and the absence of femininity in relation to the security field – traditionally dominated by the military and emergency rescue services. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the areas of society that are new to the security field. Schools, pupils and teachers are gendered in many ways. What happens when security is added to this nexus? Existing, limited research suggests (...)
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  • On caretakers, rebels and enforcers: The gender politics of Euro 2012.Jonah Bury & Cerelia Athanassiou - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2):148-164.
    This article examines the gender politics of Euro 2012, an international men’s football tournament that took place in Poland and Ukraine, through two cases of female protest. Informed by Cynthia Enloe’s question ‘Where are the women?’, the case studies focus on Polish football fan and model Natalia Siwiec and Ukrainian women’s organisation FEMEN in order to render visible the heteromasculine nation–sport nexus underpinning Euro 2012. The analysis demonstrates how Siwiec emerges as the ‘caretaker’ of the Polish nation-state during the event (...)
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  • Guardians and Protectors: The Volunteer Women of the Donbas Conflict.Christina Olha Jarymowycz - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):106-122.
    How does war reconfigure women’s social roles and status? This article investigates how women’s volunteering during conflict can challenge gendered divisions within society and transform the binary of masculine protector and feminine protected. When the Donbas conflict erupted in Ukraine in 2014, women assumed central roles as civilian volunteers who aided populations affected by violence. They gained a high level of social status in the context of a weak state, distrusted by its populace. Based on ten months of fieldwork and (...)
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  • Trans- Bodies in/of War(s): Cisprivilege and Contemporary Security Strategy.Laura Sjoberg & Laura J. Shepherd - 2012 - Feminist Review 101 (1):5-23.
    This article explores a gendered dimension of war and conflict analysis that has up until now received little attention at the intersection of gender studies and studies of global politics: queer bodies in, and genderqueer significations of, war and conflict. In doing so, the article introduces the concept of cisprivilege to International Relations as a discipline and security studies as a core sub-field. Cisprivilege is an important, but under-explored, element of the constitution of gender and conflict. Whether it be in (...)
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  • The invisible structures of anarchy: Gender, orders, and global politics.Laura Sjoberg - 2017 - Journal of International Political Theory 13 (3):325-340.
    This article argues anarchy is undertheorized in International Relations, and that the undertheorization of the concept of anarchy in International Relations is rooted in Waltz’s original discussion of the concept as equal to the invisibility of structure, where the lack of exogenous authority is not just a feature of the international political system but the salient feature. This article recognizes the international system as anarchical but looks to theorize its contours—to see the invisible structures that are overlaid within international anarchy, (...)
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  • Handmaids' Tales of Washington Power: The Abject and the Real Kennedy White House.Christine Sylvester - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (3):39-66.
    A considerable amount of academic attention has been paid to John Kennedy and to his group of advisors during the Cuban missile crisis. Next to no attention has been accorded other bodies of the Kennedy White House that had daily access to a President's most private moments and possibly to his important deliberations. Drawing on Richard Reeves' account of President Kennedy: Profile of Power, I revisit the early 1960s looking for bodies of power that are culturally sexed female by others (...)
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  • Gender and International Relations: A Global Perspective and Issues for the Caribbean.Diana Thorburn & Jessica Byronm - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):211-232.
    In this paper we discuss the relatively recent integration of feminist thinking in the discipline of International Relations. We argue that the theoretical foundations of International Relations are still primarily based on traditional male–female dichotomies, particularly that of separate public and private spheres. By extension, women are largely excluded from state power and decision making. The state is itself gendered. The growing recognition of the links between the global economy and gender forces us to engage with International Relations in foreign (...)
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