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  1. Universes of Fuzzy Sets and Axiomatizations of Fuzzy Set Theory. Part I: Model-Based and Axiomatic Approaches.Siegfried Gottwald - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):211-244.
    For classical sets one has with the cumulative hierarchy of sets, with axiomatizations like the system ZF, and with the category SET of all sets and mappings standard approaches toward global universes of all sets. We discuss here the corresponding situation for fuzzy set theory.Our emphasis will be on various approaches toward (more or less naively formed)universes of fuzzy sets as well as on axiomatizations, and on categories of fuzzy sets.
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  • A proof-theoretical investigation of global intuitionistic (fuzzy) logic.Agata Ciabattoni - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):435-457.
    We perform a proof-theoretical investigation of two modal predicate logics: global intuitionistic logic GI and global intuitionistic fuzzy logic GIF. These logics were introduced by Takeuti and Titani to formulate an intuitionistic set theory and an intuitionistic fuzzy set theory together with their metatheories. Here we define analytic Gentzen style calculi for GI and GIF. Among other things, these calculi allows one to prove Herbrand’s theorem for suitable fragments of GI and GIF.
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  • A lattice-valued set theory.Satoko Titani - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (6):395-421.
    A lattice-valued set theory is formulated by introducing the logical implication $\to$ which represents the order relation on the lattice.
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  • A Natural Basis of Fuzzy Set Theory-an Overview.Mamoru Shimoda - 2004 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):59-70.
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  • Note on witnessed Gödel logics with Delta.Matthias Baaz & Oliver Fasching - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):121-127.
    Witnessed Gödel logics are based on the interpretation of () by minimum instead of supremum . Witnessed Gödel logics appear for many practical purposes more suited than usual Gödel logics as the occurrence of proper infima/suprema is practically irrelevant. In this note we characterize witnessed Gödel logics with absoluteness operator w.r.t. witnessed Gödel logics using a uniform translation.
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  • On arithmetic in the Cantor- Łukasiewicz fuzzy set theory.Petr Hájek - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (6):763-782.
    Axiomatic set theory with full comprehension is known to be consistent in Łukasiewicz fuzzy predicate logic. But we cannot assume the existence of natural numbers satisfying a simple schema of induction; this extension is shown to be inconsistent.
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  • Hypersequent calculi for intuitionistic logic with classical atoms.Hidenori Kurokawa - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):427-446.
    We discuss a propositional logic which combines classical reasoning with constructive reasoning, i.e., intuitionistic logic augmented with a class of propositional variables for which we postulate the decidability property. We call it intuitionistic logic with classical atoms. We introduce two hypersequent calculi for this logic. Our main results presented here are cut-elimination with the subformula property for the calculi. As corollaries, we show decidability, an extended form of the disjunction property, the existence of embedding into an intuitionistic modal logic and (...)
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