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  1. Ecosemiotic Analysis of Species Reintroduction: the Case of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in Estonia.Riin Magnus & Nelly Mäekivi - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (2):239-258.
    Species conservation activities are gaining more attention in the context of environmental degradation. This article proposes to tackle different semiotic aspects of reintroduction as one possible way of furthering species conservation. More specifically, we aim to bring forth the strength of ecosemiotic perspective when dealing with such a complex matter with many different human and non-human subjects. We concentrate on animal agency, search and function tone, semiotic fitting and changes in umwelten when analysing the reintroduction process from the perspective of (...)
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  • Biosemiotics and Applied Evolutionary Epistemology: A Comparison.Nathalie Gontier & M. Facoetti - 2021 - In Nathalie Gontier & M. Facoetti (eds.), In: Pagni E., Theisen Simanke R. (eds) Biosemiotics and Evolution. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research, vol 6. Springer, Cham. Cham: pp. 175-199.
    Both biosemiotics and evolutionary epistemology are concerned with how knowledge evolves. (Applied) Evolutionary Epistemology thereby focuses on identifying the units, levels, and mechanisms or processes that underlie the evolutionary development of knowing and knowledge, while biosemiotics places emphasis on the study of how signs underlie the development of meaning. We compare the two schools of thought and analyze how in delineating their research program, biosemiotics runs into several problems that are overcome by evolutionary epistemologists. For one, by emphasizing signs, biosemiotics (...)
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  • Man in Relation to the World: Umwelt–Welt Transition.Matěj Pudil - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-21.
    In the corpus of phenomenological philosophy (as far as it is influenced by the works of Jacob von Uexküll and the debate of phenomenologists with philosophical anthropologists such as E. Cassirer, F. J. J. Buytendijk, and A. Portmann), we find the allegation that one of the fundamental differences between human and non-human animals is that while the non-human animal has a species-specific umwelt, humans have access to (a certain idea of) welt. In this sense, Heidegger speaks of the animal as (...)
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  • The Evolutionary Origin(s) of the Umwelt.Morten Tønnessen - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):451-455.
    Although Jakob von Uexküll´s Umwelt theory is not mentioned in Jablonka and Ginsburg´s Target article, von Uexküll´s theory is clearly relevant in the context of the article, with the authors´ emphasis on the origin of “subjective experiencing”. I relate some of Jablonka and Ginsburg´s main claims to an evolutionary perspective on Umwelt theory. As it turns out, the Umwelt has multiple evolutionary origins depending on our exact definition(s) of Umwelt.
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  • Do They Speak Language?Lucie Čadková - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (1):9-27.
    The question: are humans the only animals endowed with language? must be preceded by the question: what makes language a unique communication system? The American linguist Charles F. Hockett answers the second question by listing what he considers the criteria that differentiate language from other communication systems. His ‘design-feature’ approach, first presented in 1958, has become a popular tool by which the communication systems of non-human animals are guaranteed a priori exclusion from the notion of language. However, the results of (...)
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  • Ecoacoustics and Multispecies Semiosis: Naming, Semantics, Semiotic Characteristics, and Competencies.Almo Farina, Alice Eldridge & Peng Li - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):141-165.
    Biosemiotics to date has focused on the exchange of signals between organisms, in line with bioacoustics; consideration of the wider acoustic environment as a semiotic medium is under-developed. The nascent discipline of ecoacoustics, that investigates the role of environmental sound in ecological processes and dynamics, fills this gap. In this paper we introduce key ecoacoustic terminology and concepts in order to highlight the value of ecoacoustics as a discipline in which to conceptualise and study intra- and interspecies semiosis. We stress (...)
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  • Understanding the concepts of co-life and umwelt in an environmental educational perspective.Nasoo Kim - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy (Korean Society of Environmental Philosophy) 16:1-34.
    이 글은 자기와 주변 세계의 관계를 내포하고 있는 개념어인 보생명과 움벨트 개념을 탐색하였다. 환경이라는 용어는 자기와 주변 세계의 관계를 내포하지 않아서 항상 ‘친’혹은 ‘자기’와 같은 수식어를 필요로 한다. 움벨트와 보생명 개념은 각각 유기체의 고유의 세계와 개체 생명을 생명이게 하는 세계라는 의미이다. 두 개념은 공통적으로 유기체와 주변 세계와의 관계가 상보적이며 하나의 전체를 이룬다는 점을 의미하므로 나와 환경과의 관계를 적극적으로 내포하고 있다. 움벨트 개념은 보생명 개념에서 깊이 해명하지 않은 주체적인 세계를 주로 다룬다는 점에서 보생명론을 보완하는 데 있어서 유용하다. 한편 낱생명의 움벨트는 보생명과 (...)
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  • Cat Cultures and Threefold Modelling of Human-Animal Interactions: on the Example of Estonian Cat Shelters.Filip Jaroš - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (3):365-386.
    Interaction between humans and cats in urban environments is subject to dynamic change. Based on the frequency and quality of relations with humans, we can distinguish several populations of domestic cats : pedigree, pet, semi-feral, feral, and pseudo-wild. Bringing together theoretical perspectives of the Tartu school of biosemiotics and ethological studies of animal societies, we distinguish two basic types of cat cultures: the culture of street cats and the humano-cat culture of pets. The difference between these cultures is documented on (...)
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  • Descriptive Phenomenology as an Alternative to Prevent the Theory-Ladenness of Observation in the Study of Animal Behavior: Opening towards an Etho-Phenomenology.Pascal Carlier - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-19.
    In ethology, and more generally in the study of animal behavior, observations are _theory-laden_. A review of theories of animal behavior reveals that the animal is a variable _object_, shaped by variable levels of causality. This approach to animal behavior, which differs radically from the way psychology studies human behavior, is a consequence of the difficulty of treating animals as _subjects_ in ethology, where they are most often studied _in the third person_. However, there is a subjectivist tradition in the (...)
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  • Current Human Ecology in the Amazon and beyond: a Multi-Scale Ecosemiotic Approach.Morten Tønnessen - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (1):89-113.
    Umwelt theory is an expression of von Uexküll’s subjective biology and as such usually applied in analysis of individual animals, yet it is fundamentally relational and therefore also suitable for analysis of more complex wholes. Since the birth of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s, there has been growing scientific and political acknowledgement of there being a global environmental crisis, which today manifests itself as a climate change and biodiversity crisis. This calls for a multi-scale ecosemiotic approach to analysis (...)
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  • Steps to a Semiotics of Being.Morten Tønnessen - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (3):375-392.
    The following points, which represent a path to a semiotics of being, are pertinent to various sub-fields at the conjunction of semiotics of nature (biosemiotics, ecosemiotics, zoosemiotics) and semiotics of culture—semioethics and existential semiotics included. 1) Semiotics of being entails inquiry at all levels of biological organization, albeit, wherever there are individuals, with emphasis on the living qua individuals (integrated biological individualism). 2) An Umwelt is the public aspect (cf. the Innenwelt, the private aspect) of a phenomenal/experienced world that is (...)
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  • Emergence of the “Howling Foxes”: A Semiotic Analysis of Initial Interpretations of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) in Estonia.Timo Maran - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):463-482.
    The article attempts to bridge semiotics with species conservation and management. Biosemiotic and cultural semiotic methodology is applied in the analysis of a case study – the early occurrence of the golden jackal in Estonia. Nine semi-structured interviews were carried out with the local inhabitants of the Matsalu region, professional zoologists and environmental officials who were involved in the golden jackals’ discourse. The interviews were analyzed for interactions between golden jackals and humans, expected ecological effects of golden jackals, communication between (...)
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  • The Fundamental Problem of the Science of Information.Jaime F. Cárdenas-García & Tim Ireland - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (2):213-244.
    The concept of information has been extensively studied and written about, yet no consensus on a unified definition of information has to date been reached. This paper seeks to establish the basis for a unified definition of information. We claim a biosemiotics perspective, based on Gregory Bateson’s definition of information, provides a footing on which to build because the frame this provides has applicability to both the sciences and humanities. A key issue in reaching a unified definition of information is (...)
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  • From the Hiatus Model to the Diffuse Discontinuities: A Turning Point in Human-Animal Studies.Carlo Brentari - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (3):331-345.
    In twentieth-century continental philosophy, German philosophical anthropology can be seen as a sort of conceptual laboratory devoted to human/animal research, and, in particular, to the discontinuity between human and non-human animals. Its main notion—the idea of the special position of humans in nature—is one of the first philosophical attempts to think of the specificity of humans as a natural and qualitative difference from non-human animals. This school of thought correctly rejects both the metaphysical and/or religious characterisations of humans, and the (...)
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  • Umwelt Theory and Dis/Harmony: Forays into Dis/Ability, Dis/Ease, Trauma, and Ethological Divergence.Ombre Tarragnat - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (2):431-448.
    This paper explores the relationship between the problem of dis/harmony in Jakob von Uexküll’s Umwelt theory and the inclusion of experiences of disability, disease, or trauma, in said theory. It starts with discussions of dis/harmony and dis/ability in Uexküllian studies, from Uexüll’s very own work on Umwelt theory to the contemporary commentaries and studies of said theory. It first articulates how Uexküll’s focus on harmony provided poor conditions to account for dis/ability, while commenting on points where Uexküll offered direct engagement (...)
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  • A Functional - Helix Conceptualization of the Emergent Properties of the Animal Kingdom: Chronoception as a Key Sensory Process.Amelia Lewis - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):125-142.
    Teleological theories are often dismissed in the study of animal behaviour, because of both the anthropomorphic element, and the paradox of retro-causation. Instead, emergent properties of animal systems, such as those which drive behaviour and decision making, are generally deemed to be non-purposeful. Nonetheless, organisms’ interactions with the environment, including sensory processing, have long been subject to biological study, and the resulting models include Jakob von Uexküll’s functional circle (part of his ‘Umwelt Theory’). The functional circle is modelled on an (...)
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  • Semantic Organs: The Concept and Its Theoretical Ramifications.Karel Kleisner - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):367-379.
    Many biologists still believe in a sort of post-Cartesian foundation of reality wherein objects are independent of subjects which cognize them. Recent research in behaviour, cognition, and psychology, however, provides plenty of evidence to the effect that the perception of an object differs depending on the kind of animal observer, and also its personality, hormonal, and sensorial set-up etc. In the following, I argue that exposed surfaces of organisms interact with other organisms’ perception to form semiautonomous relational entities called semantic (...)
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  • (1 other version)Orden, límites y transgresión: Reflexiones en torno a la obra de Jakob von Uexküll.Víctor Castillo Morquecho - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (28):91-111.
    En el presente artículo se analizan conceptos clave de la obra de Jakob von Uexküll, a partir de la confrontación con el darwinismo mecanicista de principios del siglo XX, al cual, Uexküll contrapone la idea de un mundo viviente de interrelaciones, conformado de acuerdo con un Plan u Orden subyacentes. Pero la cuestión no del todo resuelta para Uexküll, y que aquí será estudiada, es el papel que ha de atribuirse al azar y a la tendencia natural de traspasar los (...)
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