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La nouvelle métaphysique thomiste

In Claude Brunier-Coulin & Jean-François Petit (eds.), Le statut actuel de la métaphysique. Actes du colloque des 6-8 juillet 2018. Orizons. pp. 339-365 (2019)

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  1. Ser, existencia y facticidad.David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2021 - In Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez (ed.), La cualidad metafísica del ser respecto a la forma: Estudio de la crítica de Lawrence Dewan a Étienne Gilson. EUNSA. pp. 93-108.
    This paper tries to understand existence as identified with Aquinas' esse in a right way. The author distinguishes among facticity and existence, because facticity it a mere negative understanding of existence as the negation of nothing. But existence is not only a negative thing, but a positive one, therefore it is not still described by this negative definition. Existence includes facticity but is not only facticity. Existence is the actuality of essence and that description does not diminish Aquinas' understanding of (...)
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  • El papel del actus essendi en la comprensión de la causalidad.Manuel Alejandro Serra - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 85:51-65.
    After the criticism that Martin Heide-gger made of Western metaphysics some authors like Gilson or Fabro, among others, wanted to enter into confrontation giving them the oppor-tunity to study in depth most important theses of authors like Thomas Aquinas and his esse philo-sophy. Gilson’s theses had an important impact on the world of Thomism, but Lawrence Dewan, also a Thomist, wanted to defend against Gilson the traditional interpretation of Cayetano and Capreolo, which until now had been regarded as the most (...)
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  • A “Nouvelle Métaphysique Thomiste” or Simply Neo-Cayetanism?Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):475-488.
    For one of the current scholars of Thomism, Serge T. Bonino, research on Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy of being has polarized into two tendencies, the axis of which is the Dominican Thomistic school. One of them is represented by the harsh criticisms that the French medievalist Étienne Gilson made of the positions of this school. The second, on the other hand, is characterized by a staunch defense of the theses of the main commentators of this school. During the 20th century, one (...)
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