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Roma: Carocci (2009)

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  1. What an Ideal Is.Simona Chiodo & Politecnico di Milano - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (4):961-974.
    What I intend to do in the following pages is to focus on what might be termed the most important turn in the very dimension of ideality throughout the history of Western culture: the introduction of the notion of ideal drawn from Plato’s notion of idea, and especially its singular contemporary destiny. In the first part of the article, I am going to analyze Kant’s introduction of the notion of ideal and Hegel’s reading of it, and I am going to (...)
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  • Providential Disorder in Plato’s Timaeus?Stefano Maso - 2018 - Peitho 9 (1):37-52.
    Plato tries to explain the becoming of the cosmos by referring to the concepts of order and disorder. Scholars have usually focused on the relationship between the cosmos and the demiurge that Plato puts forward to explain the reasonable development. Along these lines, scholarship has examined the providential role played by both the demiurge and the soul of the world. Yet, an interesting prob­lem still remains open: what exactly is the function of disorder? What is the sense of the concept (...)
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  • A strange mixture of pleasure and pain.Anastácio Borges de Araújo Júnior - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 17:45-55.
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  • Tιμιώτερα Books, Talking Objects, Honour and Shame in the Phaedrus.Cristiana Caserta - 2015 - Peitho 6 (1):113-146.
    In the Phaedrus, the expression τὰ γεγραμμένα φαῦλα ἀποδεῖξαι, „to demonstrate the inadequacy of its own written” could mean „to make a palinody.” The requirements to define someone as a philosopher that Socrates provides describe in theoretical and normative form what the dialogue has already represented in its dramatic form. Plato has targeted the speech of Lysias and the first speech of Socrates as belonging to a literary genre that is still in statu nascendi: a sophistic conference in which the (...)
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  • Platón sobre la anomalía cívica del filósofo.Lavilla de Lera Jonathan - 2017 - Endoxa 39:53.
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  • Themes in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy, Keeling Lectures 2011-2018, OPEN ACCESS.Fiona Leigh (ed.) - 2021 - University of Chicago Press.
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  • The polarized image: between visual fake news and “emblematic evidence”.Emanuele Arielli - 2019 - Politics and Image.
    In this paper, a particular case of deceptive use of images – namely, misattributions – will be taken in consideration. An explicitly wrong attribution (“This is a picture of the event X”, this not being the case) is obviously a lie or a mistaken description. But there are less straightforward and more insidious cases in which a false attribution is held to be acceptable, in particular when pictures are also used in their exemplary, general meaning, opposed to their indexical function (...)
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