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The Analogical Imagination

Religious Studies 19 (4):552-553 (1981)

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  1. Practical-theological facilitation as skilled helping.Elmo Pienaar - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):01-09.
    The article discussed the idea of skilled helping in relation to what has been put forward as practical theological facilitation. It has been argued that various helping relationships, amongst which the author refers to coaching, facilitation, and therapy has more in common than what differentiates them if epistemology is viewed as a unifying concept. As such the scope of practical theology in terms of the contexts and themes in which it might be involved is said to widen. The public dimension (...)
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  • A postliberal perspective on an ecclesiological modality as an ecclesiola in ecclesia-reorientation in the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa.Andries G. van Aarde - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-08.
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  • Vatican II: The Roman Catholic Opening toward Democracy in the Third Millennium.Donald J. Dietrich - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1102-1108.
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  • The emergence of transcendental norms in human systems.Mark Graves - 2009 - Zygon 44 (3):501-532.
    Terrence Deacon has described three orders of emergence; Arthur Peacocke and others have suggested four levels of human systems and sciences; and Philip Clayton has postulated an additional, transcendent, level. Orders and levels describe distinct aspects of emergence, with orders characterizing topological complexity and levels characterizing theoretical knowledge and causal power. By using Deacon's orders to analyze and relate each of the four "lower" levels one can project that analysis on the transcendent level to gain insight into the teleodynamic emergence (...)
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  • How a Modest Fideism may Constrain Theistic Commitments: Exploring an Alternative to Classical Theism.John Bishop - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):387-402.
    On the assumption that theistic religious commitment takes place in the face of evidential ambiguity, the question arises under what conditions it is permissible to make a doxastic venture beyond one’s evidence in favour of a religious proposition. In this paper I explore the implications for orthodox theistic commitment of adopting, in answer to that question, a modest, moral coherentist, fideism. This extended Jamesian fideism crucially requires positive ethical evaluation of both the motivation and content of religious doxastic ventures. I (...)
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  • Transhumanism, Motion, and Human Perfection.Jordan Mason - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (3):185-196.
    Transhumanism’s ideology is marked by a commitment to the “progress” or “perfection” of the human species through technological means. What transhumanists are after is not just therapeutic intervention or optimization of current human capabilities, but an ontological change from human to posthuman. In this article, I critique transhumanist ideology on the grounds that it fundamentally misunderstands human moral perfection as resulting from forces acting upon us (i.e., technological interventions), rather than an internal change of character. This misunderstanding reflects an impoverished (...)
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  • Navigating Moral Struggle: Toward a Social Model of Exemplarity.Brian Hamilton - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):566-582.
    Exemplars have the power to help people navigate various levels of moral struggle, from the relatively straightforward problem of lacking motivation to the much deeper problem of failing to see the moral realities that surround us. But there are also serious moral risks in the appeal to exemplars: we romanticize them, we make use of them in authoritarian ways, and we tend to forget how our choice of exemplars is conditioned by oppressive cultural formations. I argue that we need to (...)
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  • Eco‐Anxiety, Tragedy, and Hope: Psychological and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change.Panu Pihkala - 2018 - Zygon 53 (2):545-569.
    This article addresses the problem of “eco‐anxiety” by integrating results from numerous fields of inquiry. Although climate change may cause direct psychological and existential impacts, vast numbers of people already experience indirect impacts in the form of depression, socio‐ethical paralysis, and loss of well‐being. This is not always evident, because people have developed psychological and social defenses in response, including “socially constructed silence.” I argue that this situation causes the need to frame climate change narratives as emphasizing hope in the (...)
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  • Public Recognition, Vanity, and the Quest for Truth: Reflection on ‘Polanyi vs. Kuhn’.Aaron Milavec - 2006 - Tradition and Discovery 33 (2):37-48.
    After commending Moleski for his excellent study, I focus attention on three areas that merit further clarification: (1) that Michael Polanyi’s quest for public recognition was legitimate and not the effect of a runaway vanity, (2) that Kuhn’s straining to define his dependence upon Polanyi was blocked by the unspecifiability clouding the discovery process and by his notion that Polanyi appealed to ESP to explain the dynamics of· discovery, and (3) that Kuhn’s success in gaining public recognition for his paradigm (...)
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  • The Metaphysics of Environmental Concern -- a Critique of Ecotheological Antidualism.Bronislaw Szerszynski - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):67-78.
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  • Bioethics, the Gospel, and Political Engagement.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Christian Bioethics 21 (3):247-261.
    The substantive center of Christian ethics is Jesus’s ministry of the kingdom or reign of God, and its preferential inclusion of the poor, the outcast, and the sinner. What defines a gospel-based bioethics is a hopeful, practical commitment to improve the health of those who are most vulnerable to illness and early death because they lack basic needs. This commitment is distinctive of Christian bioethics, if not “unique” in the sense that no other bioethical approaches or traditions share it. To (...)
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  • The ambiguity of interdisciplinarity.Andrea Hollingsworth - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):461-470.
    Abstract. What kind of consciousness is best prepared to undertake effective interdisciplinary explorations in religion and science in our twenty-first century context? This paper draws on the thought of theologian David Tracy and psychologist and philosopher of religion James W. Jones to suggest that negation and ecstasy are mutually conditioning factors that go into the shaping of just such a consciousness. Healthy, constructive modes of relating to the disciplinary other imply the emergence of a transformed way of knowing and being (...)
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  • Neurotheology: The working brain and the work of theology.James B. Ashbrook - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):331-350.
    Because the mind is the significance of the brain and God is the significance of the mind, the concept “mind” bridges how the brain works and traditional patterns of belief. The left mind, which utilizes rational vigilance and the imperative instructions of proclamation, names and analyzes the urgently right. The right mind, which discloses the relational responsiveness of numinous presence and natural symbolism, is immersed in and integrates the ultimately real. Together they provide a typology of mind‐states with which to (...)
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  • The whole brain as the basis or the analogical expression of God.James B. Ashbrook - 1989 - Zygon 24 (1):65-81.
    As human beings we inevitably try to explain our experience. In philosophical language, we deal with transcendent assertions and aspirations. The issue, then, is: how can we talk about what matters, given the structures inherent in language and basic to the way we are made? Instead of the philosophical category of Being, I advance a case for giving the human brain privileged status as an analogical expression of God, the symbol‐concept of what matters most, and then suggest the illumination which (...)
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  • The truth of religious narratives.Gary L. Comstock - 1993 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 34 (3):131 - 150.
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  • Sacramentally Imagining Sports as a Form of Worship: Reappraising Sport as a Gesture of God.John Bentley White - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (1):94-114.
    We live in a world in which God is made known in and through God’s material works, which are other than himself. That is, they are signs of God’s presence whether in the natural world or the world we structure, as God’s image bearers, in our practices, rituals, and the stuff we make. The Christian tradition holds that the created order and human creativity witness to God, because creation is suffused with God’s presence. A sacramental understanding of sports aims to (...)
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  • Why cannot the term development just be dropped altogether? Some reflections on the concept of maturation as alternative to development discourse.Ernst M. Conradie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-11.
    This contribution is aimed at some provocation by questioning the basic assumptions of current development discourse. It asks for conceptual clarification and differentiation on the meaning of various process terms. It needs to be recognised that the word development remains a metaphor than can indeed be extended but can also become over-extended and ossified. The concept of development is then contrasted with the process of maturation. It is argued that the concept of maturation is, better able to indicate the final (...)
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  • Psychology, religion, and critical hermeneutics: Don Browning as “horizon analyst”.Terry D. Cooper - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):686-697.
    Abstract. Don Browning's career involved a deep exploration into the frequently hidden philosophical assumptions buried in various forms of psychotherapeutic healing. These healing methodologies were based on metaphors and metaphysical assumptions about both the meaning of human fulfillment and the ultimate context of our lives. All too easily, psychological theories put forward philosophical anthropologies while claiming to be operating within a modest, empirical approach. Browning does not fault or criticize these psychotherapeutic enterprises for making such claims because he thinks these (...)
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  • Translating Buen Vivir: Latin American Indigenous Cultures, Stadial Development, and Comparative Religious Ethics.David Lantigua - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (2):280-320.
    This article considers the methodological limits and possibilities of a cultural turn in comparative religious ethics by “translating” the Latin American Indigenous meanings of buen vivir (living well), a subsistent mode of interdependent flourishing resistant to Western models of extractive development amid the Anthropocene. It problematizes the methodological challenge of translating Indigenous cultures from within a Western colonial political economy that has historically relegated Indigenous Americans to the primitive level of savage inferiority according to a stadial theory of socioeconomic development. (...)
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  • Tradition and innovation. Paul Ricoeur and the dynamics of critical theology.William Myatt - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (4):329-342.
    Using the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur as an interpretive matrix, this article suggests that critical theologies may be understood as an instantiation of the concrete unity of past and present in religious symbol. The intransigence of debates between critical and counter-critical theologies is thus disclosed as an inability to account for and remain within the past-future dynamic in religious symbol. Ricoeur’s Freud and Philosophy provides the philosophical terminology for unpacking the simultaneously archaeological and teleological character of symbol. The article then (...)
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  • Interfacing religion and the neurosciences: A review of twenty-five years of exploration and reflection. [REVIEW]James B. Ashbrook - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):545-572.
    Exploration and reflection on the interfacing of religion and the neurosciences in the last twenty‐five years provide a unique point of convergence on the relationship between science and religion. A focus on two streams of consciousness characterized the first phase in the 1970s. Scholarship suggested correlates between the styles of analytical steps and synthetic leaps of imagination and the belief patterns of proclamation and manifestation. The use of lateralized consciousness was critiqued as covering too much as well as not attending (...)
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  • Experience and Theory.Mary Gerhart & Allan Melvin Russell - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):5-11.
    Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 3 of New Maps for Old: Explorations in Science and Religion (Gerhart and Russell 2001) explore the ramifications of metaphoric process for changes in thinking, especially those changes that lead to a new understanding of our world. Examples are provided from science, from religion, and from science and religion together. In excerpts from Chapter 8, a double analogy—theology is to science as science is to mathematics—is proposed for better understanding the contemporary relationship between science and (...)
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  • Teaching ethics in the context of the medical humanities.R. A. Carson - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (4):235-238.
    Careful reading of imaginative literature teaches an attentiveness fundamental to the care of the sick.
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  • How acts of discovery transform our tacit knowing powers in both scientific and religious inquiry.Aaron Milavec - 2006 - Zygon 41 (2):465-486.
    Abstract. In this essay I take Michael Polanyi's analysis of scientific discovery and extend it to encompass fresh encounters with the living God. Given the embodied character of all human knowing, Polanyi challenged objectivism and positivism as untenable. In its place, Polanyi noted that the tacit skills established when a physicist learns to detect radio waves has its counterpart in a Christian's being trained to find God. Once trained, stubborn organismic habits constrain both physicist and believer within a socially approved (...)
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  • Changing Worldviews: Responding to Betty Birner and Robert Masson.Mary Gerhart & Allan Melvin Russell - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):63-75.
    N. R. Hanson's discussion of experience is criticized. Experience, though necessary for knowing, is insufficient as a basis for understanding in either science or religion. Experience alone can be misleading. We may begin with experience, but we cannot claim to understand until experience has been mediated by theory. The article is excerpted from Metaphoric Process: The Creation of Scientific and Religious Understanding (Gerhart and Russell 1984), Chapter 2.
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  • Disciplining relativism and truth.Philip Clayton - 1989 - Zygon 24 (3):315-334.
    . Imre Lakatos's philosophy of science can provide helpful leads for theological methodology, but only when mediated by the disciplines that lie between the natural sciences and theology. The questions of relativism and truth are used as indices for comparing disciplines, and Lakatos's theory of natural science is taken as the starting point. Major modifications of Lakatos's work are demanded as one moves from the natural sciences, through economics, the interpretive social sciences, literary theory, and into theology. Although theology may (...)
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  • The cry for the other: The biocultural womb of human development.James B. Ashbrook - 1994 - Zygon 29 (3):297-314.
    The human experience of meaning‐making lies at the roots of consciousness, creativity, and religious faith. It arises from the basic experience of separation from a loved object, suffered by all mammals, and, in general terms, from the experienced gap between ourselves and our environment. We fill the gap with transitional objects and symbols that reassure us of basic continuity in ourselves and in the world. These objects and symbols also serve the neurognostic function of demonstrating what the world is like. (...)
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  • The Role of Experience in Religion.Theodore Runyon - 1991 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 31 (2/3):187 - 194.
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  • Interreligious dialogue as an evolutionary process.James F. Moore - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):381-390.
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  • Science and Religion: Moving Beyond the Credibility Strategy.Victoria Lorrimar - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):812-823.
    Reeves condemns the recruitment of scientific methods by representative theologians to lend credibility to their theological claims. His treatment of Nancey Murphy's use of Lakatosian research programme methodology is focused on here, and his proposal that science and religion scholars might act as “historians of the present” to advance the field is explored. The “credibility strategy” is set in historical context with an exploration of some of the science and religion field's original commitments and goals, particularly in terms of the (...)
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  • Metaphor and Thinking in Science and Religion.Mary Gerhart & Allan Melvin Russell - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):13-38.
    Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 3 of New Maps for Old: Explorations in Science and Religion (Gerhart and Russell 2001) explore the ramifications of metaphoric process for changes in thinking, especially those changes that lead to a new understanding of our world. Examples are provided from science, from religion, and from science and religion together. In excerpts from Chapter 8, a double analogy—theology is to science as science is to mathematics—is proposed for better understanding the contemporary relationship between science and (...)
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  • A generalized conception of text applied to both scientific and religious objects.Mary Gerhart & Allan Melvin Russell - 1987 - Zygon 22 (3):299-316.
    The idea of a text is reviewed and reconstructed to facilitate the application of concepts of interpretation to the objects analyzed in the natural sciences, as well as to objects analyzed in religion and literature. Four criteria—‐readability, formality, material transcendence, and retrievability—‐are proposed as the basis for a generalized conception of text. Objects in both religion and science, not previously thought to be texts, are shown to be included in the new definition and therefore to be potential subjects of developing (...)
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  • Pope Francis' Potential Impact on American Bioethics.J. A. Gallagher - 2015 - Christian Bioethics 21 (1):11-34.
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  • From biogenetic structuralism to mature contemplation to prophetic consciousness.James B. Ashbrook - 1993 - Zygon 28 (2):231-250.
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  • The Pragmatic Century: Conversations with Richard J. Bernstein.Sheila Greeve Davaney & Warren G. Frisina (eds.) - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    Critically engages the work of American philosopher Richard J. Bernstein.
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