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  1. La Critique de la raison pure face aux scepticismes cartésien, baylien et humien.Plinio Junqueira Smith - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (3-4):463-.
    RÉSUMÉ : Afin de circonscrire lescepticisme qui lui paraît miner l'entreprise métaphysique des Lumières, il est apparu nécessaire au Kant de la période critique de répondre à trois formes de scepticisme : au scepticisme baylien, qui s'interroge sur la capacité de la raison à parvenir à définir une vérité en rapport avec les idées de cette même raison; au scepticisme humien, ce qui le conduit à distinguer la question soulevée par Hume de son scepticisme pour parvenir à dégager la possibilité (...)
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  • Hegel's Contradictions.Ralph Palm - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):134-158.
    Perhaps one of the most difficult passages in Hegel's Science of Logic is his treatment of contradiction. If each moment of Hegel's logic is understood to constitute a sort of proof and since contradiction itself is presented as a moment of the logic, then in what sense can one comprehend a proof of contradiction as such? It is difficult to formulate this in any way that does not sound fundamentally incoherent, since it is not just at odds with our ordinary (...)
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  • Logical Form and Ethical Content.Songsuk Susan Hahn - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):143-162.
    Hegel's empty formalism charge is taken, virtually without exception, as a serious objection to Kant's categorical imperative and a powerful refutation of his formalist ethics. The dominant interpretation is represented by Bradley, Paton, Mill, Korsgaard, Guyer, Wood, Schneewind, Sedgwick, more recently, Freyenhagen, and others. So far, the dominant interpretation has remained powerfully influential and virtually unchallenged.However, the dominant interpretation tends to take Hegel's empty formalism in isolation from other texts in the corpus, his holistic system, and dialectical method in general. (...)
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  • Richard Dien Winfield. Hegel and Mind: Rethinking Philosophical Psychology.Karen Ng - 2012 - Hegel Bulletin 33 (1):88-101.
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  • Hegel on the Nature of Scepticism.Dietmar H. Heidemann - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):80-99.
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  • Consciousness and Hegel's Solution to the Problem of the Criterion.Peter Yong - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):283-307.
    Traditional epistemological interpretations have portrayed Hegel as offering a coherentist solution to the problem of the criterion in the introduction to The Phenomenology of Spirit. In this paper, I criticize the coherentist interpretation and present an alternative reading that emphasizes the central role of conscious experience in Hegel's argument. In the first part of the paper, I show how the passages commonly used to support the coherentist interpretation ultimately fail to do so and argue that coherence by itself cannot be (...)
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  • Nothing: Kant’s analysis and the Hegelian critique.Gungor Tolga - unknown
    This thesis aims to throw an illuminating light on the as yet neglected concept of nothing in Kant’s system, a concept which is taken into consideration, by Kant, in accordance with the guiding thread of the categories of the understanding. My main argument is that Kant has a fourfold division of nothing and each has a transcendental function in his system. This function is basically a limiting one; setting up negative determinations without which Kant’s system would have never been constituted (...)
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