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  1. Distributive equality.David McCarthy - 2015 - Mind 124 (496):1045-1109.
    Egalitarians think that equality in the distribution of goods somehow matters. But what exactly is egalitarianism? This article argues for a characterization based on novel principles essentially involving risk. The characterization is then used to resolve disputed questions about egalitarianism. These include: the way egalitarianism is concerned with patterns, in particular its relationship to strong separability; the relationship between egalitarianism and other distributive views, such as concerns with fairness and with giving priority to the worse off; and the relationship between (...)
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  • Is Maximin egalitarian?Jacob Barrett - 2020 - Synthese 197 (2):817-837.
    According to the Maximin principle of distributive justice, one outcome is more just than another if the worst off individual in the first outcome is better off than the worst off individual in the second. This is often interpreted as a highly egalitarian principle, and, more specifically, as a highly egalitarian way of balancing a concern with equality against a concern with efficiency. But this interpretation faces a challenge: why should a concern with efficiency and equality lead us to a (...)
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  • Un problème interne à la Théorie de la justice : comment concilier les différents arguments de Rawls pour le principe de différence?Philippe Mongin - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 135 (4):29-41.
    L’ambiguïté qui existe entre l’interprétation du principe de différence par le maximin ou par le leximin est reconsidérée. Le maximin satisfait seulement le principe de Pareto-faible (x>y ssi chaque composante de x > la composante correspondante de y), tandis que le leximin satisfait le principe de Pareto-fort. À la différence du maximin, le leximin n’est pas représentable par des courbes d’indifférence. Dans la position originelle, le choix leximin l’emporterait sur le choix maximin ((2, 4) > (2,3)), qui semble plus proche (...)
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  • Probability in the Philosophy of Religion.D. H. Mellor - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):548-554.
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  • On the Possibility of Paretian Egalitarianism.Peter Vallentyne - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):126-154.
    We here address the question of how, for a theory of justice, a concern for the promotion of equality can be combined with a concern for making people as well off as possible. Leximin, which requires making the worst off position as well off as possible, is one way of combining a concern for making people’s lives go well with a special concern for those who are especially poorly off. Many egalitarians, however, reject its near-monomaniacal focus on the worst off (...)
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  • Well-Being and Fair Distribution: Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis.P. Vallentyne - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):542-548.
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  • Non-probabilistic Decision Strategies Behind the Veil.Mona Simion - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (3):557-572.
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