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  1. EI principio de acceso posinvestigación en la revisión 2008 de la Declaración de Helsinki.Ignacio Mastroleo - 2008 - Perspectivas Bioéticas 13 (24-25):140-157.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la nueva formulación del principio de acceso posinvestigación en la más reciente (2008) revisión de la Declaración de Helsinki. Se identifican los artículos relevantes de la Declaración y se presentan dos interpretaciones posibles del principio de acceso posinvestigación: una interpretación robusta y otra permisiva, inspiradas cada una por modelos de justicia distintos. Luego, se hace una evaluación crítica de dichas interpretaciones y se intenta avanzar argumentos en contra de la interpretación permisiva. [The objective (...)
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  • Making researchers moral: Why trustworthiness requires more than ethics guidelines and review.Linus Johnsson, Stefan Eriksson, Gert Helgesson & Mats G. Hansson - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (1):29-46.
    Research ethics, once a platform for declaring intent, discussing moral issues and providing advice and guidance to researchers, has developed over time into an extra-legal regulatory system, complete with steering documents (ethics guidelines), overseeing bodies (research ethics committees) and formal procedures (informed consent). The process of institutionalizing distrust is usually motivated by reference to past atrocities committed in the name of research and the need to secure the trustworthiness of the research system. This article examines some limitations of this approach. (...)
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  • Reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management.Anne Lise Holm & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):0969733013500806.
    Due to their understanding of self-management, healthcare team members responsible for depressed older persons can experience an ethical dilemma. Each team member contributes important knowledge and experience pertaining to the management of depression, which should be reflected in the management plan. The aim of this study was to explore healthcare team members’ reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management among depressed older persons. A qualitative design was used and data were collected by means of focus group interviews. The (...)
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  • A chronological discourse analysis of ancillary care provision in guidance documents for research conduct in the global south.Blessings M. Kapumba, Nicola Desmond & Janet Seeley - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-16.
    Introduction Numerous guidelines and policies for ethical research practice have evolved over time, how this translates to global health practice in resource-constrained settings is unclear. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the concept of ancillary care has evolved over time and how it is included in the ethics guidelines and policy documents that guide the conduct of research in the global south with both an international focus and providing a specific example of Malawi, where the first author (...)
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  • The myth of informed consent: in daily practice and in clinical trials.W. A. Silverman - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (1):6-11.
    Until about thirty years ago, the extent of disclosure about and consent-seeking for medical interventions was influenced by a beneficence model of professional behaviour. Informed consent shifted attention to a duty to respect the autonomy of patients. The new requirement arrived on the American scene in two separate contexts: for daily practice in 1957, and for clinical study in 1966. A confusing double standard has been established. 'Daily consent' is reviewed, if at all, only in retrospect. Doctors are merely exhorted (...)
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  • The Social Value of Knowledge and International Clinical Research.Danielle M. Wenner - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):76-84.
    In light of the growth in the conduct of international clinical research in developing populations, this paper seeks to explore what is owed to developing world communities who host international clinical research. Although existing paradigms for assigning and assessing benefits to host communities offer valuable insight, I criticize their failure to distinguish between those benefits which can justify the conduct of research in a developing world setting and those which cannot. I argue that the justification for human subjects research is (...)
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  • Sustainability in care through an ethical practice model.Linda Nyholm, Susanne Salmela, Lisbet Nyström & Camilla Koskinen - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (2):264-272.
    Background: While sustainability is a key concept in many different domains today, it has not yet been sufficiently emphasized in the healthcare sector. Earlier research shows that ethical values and evidence-based care models create sustainability in care practice. Objective: The aim of this study was to gain further understanding of the ethical values central to the realization of sustainability in care and to create an ethical practice model whereby these basic values can be made perceptible and active in care practice. (...)
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  • Safeguarding children in clinical research.Steven D. Edwards - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):530-537.
    Current UK guidelines regarding clinical research on children permit research that is non-therapeutic from the perspective of that particular child. The guidelines permit research interventions that cause temporary pain, bruises or scars. It is argued here that such research conflicts with the Declaration of Helsinki according to which the interests of the research subject outweigh all other interests. Given this, in the context of clinical research, who is best placed to protect the child from this kind of exploitation? Is it (...)
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  • Moral positions, medical–ethical knowledge and motivation during the course of medical education—results of a cross-sectional study at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.Wolfgang Strube, Mona Pfeiffer & Florian Steger - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (3):201-216.
    Der Unterricht in Medizinethik soll Medizinstudierenden die Grundlagen dafür vermitteln, in ihrer zukünftigen ärztlichen Tätigkeit gute Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Im Rahmen einer Panelstudie wird derzeit die Entwicklung moralischer Positionen, medizinethischer Kenntnisse und Motivationen von Medizinstudierenden der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München über den Verlauf des Studiums untersucht. Für die Datenerhebung wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt, der medizinethische Positionen und Kenntnisse sowie Motivationen erfasst. Im Wintersemester 2009/10 wurde die erste Querschnittsuntersuchung mit Studierenden im 1., 3. und 8. Semester sowie im Praktischen Jahr durchgeführt. Die (...)
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  • Understanding and safeguarding patient dignity in intensive care.Linda Nyholm & Camilla A.-L. Koskinen - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (4):408-418.
    Background: Dignity has been highlighted in previous research as one of the most important ethical concerns in nursing care. According to Eriksson, dignified caring is related to treating the patient as a unique human being and respecting human value. Intensive care unit patients are vulnerable to threatened dignity, and maintaining dignity may be challenging as a consequence of critical illness. Objectives: The aim is to highlight how nurses in an intensive care setting understand patient dignity, what threatens patient dignity and (...)
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  • Medical treatment, medical research and informed consent.R. Gillon - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (1):3-11.
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