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  1. Kierkegaard and the skeptics.A. J. Rudd - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (1):71 – 88.
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  • Epistemology and the sociology of knowledge.Charles Kurzman - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (3):267-290.
    Epistemology, I will argue, is of crucial importance to the sociology of knowledge— not just by way of definition of the phenomenon under study, but also because approaches to the sociology of knowledge rely on too-often implicit epistemological stances. I will make this argument through a series of categorizations: first, I will classify the field of epistemology into its three main forms; second, I will classify the sociology of knowledge into epistemological categories; third, I will classify the sociology of science (...)
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  • The Four Points of the Compass.James Alexander - 2012 - Philosophy 87 (1):79-107.
    Philosophy has four forms: wonder, faith, doubt and scepticism. These are not separate categories, but separate ideal possibilities. Modern academic philosophy has fallen, for several centuries, into an error: which is the error of supposing that philosophy is only what I call doubt. Philosophy may be doubt: indeed, it is part of my argument that this is undeniably one element of, or one possibility in, philosophy; but doubt is only one of four points of the compass. In this essay I (...)
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  • Cupiditas veri videndi: Pierre de villemandy's dogmatic vs. cicero's sceptical interpretation of 'man's desire to know.Luciano Floridi - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (1):29–56.
    Throughout history, dogmatists and sceptics of various branches have been inclined to agree on the description of man as a 'filaletes zoon' - a 'truth-loving animal' as Sextus Empiricus had defined him - on the fact that 'the desire to know is innate in man' and on interpreting this as the ideal force inspiring the search for knowledge. The two parties have, however, always dissented considerably about the consequences to be drawn from such a vision of man as a knowledge-seeker. (...)
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  • Realism and folk psychology in the ascription of concepts.Bradley Franks - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (4):369-390.
    This paper discusses some requirements on a folk-psychological, computational account of concepts. Although most psychological views take the folk-psychological stance that concept-possession requires capacities of both representation and classification, such views lack a philosophical context. In contrast, philosophically motivated views stress one of these capacities at the expense of the other. This paper seeks to provide some philosophical motivation for the (folk-) psychological stance. Philosophical and psychological constraints on a computational level account provide the context for evaluating two theses. The (...)
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  • Boghossian's Refutation of Relativism.Christopher M. Caldwell & Majid Amini - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (2):79-103.
    In Fear of Knowledge, Paul Boghossian presents a series of arguments against epistemic relativism and constructivism, doctrines that he considers to have exerted an overly unjustified influence over the human and social sciences in the past two decades. In the presentation of his arguments, Boghossian charts out a terrain that closely identifies relativism with skepticism. Yet, the relationship between the two does not seem to be a simple matter of entailment or implication. The purpose of this paper is to clarify (...)
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