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  1. Descartes and Gadamer on Prejudice.Donald Ipperciel - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (4):635-.
    Les aspects polémiques et rhétoriques de la réhabilitation des préjugés chez Gadamer font non seulement violence à la pensee de Descartes, mais obscurcissent le sens véritable de la théorie gadamérienne sur ce point. Pour en arriver à une compréhension plus adéquate de la position de Gadamer, il faut rendre explicites différents éléments qui renvoient à des motifs de la Kehre Heideggérienne et mettre Vaccent sur le rôle de principes herméneutiques développés par Gadamer, tels la tradition et le langage. On peut (...)
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  • Gadamer, Rorty, hermeneutics, and Truth: A response to Warnke.Donald Rothberg - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):355-361.
    Georgia Warnke has recently criticized Richard Rorty's claim that appropriation of Gadamer's work supports Rorty's position that hermeneutics aims not at truth but at ?edification?. On Warnke's view, however, Gadamer's work suggests that hermeneutical understanding necessarily involves the search for truth and consensus. But such an opposition between Rorty's and Gadamer's hermeneutics on this issue can be seen as primarily a matter of their intentions rather than of their actual explications of hermeneutics, which, when investigated, disclose dangers of both relativism (...)
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  • Being in conversation.Santiago Zabala - 2010 - In Jeff Malpas & Santiago Zabala (eds.), Consequences of hermeneutics: fifty years after Gadamer's Truth and method. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 161--176.
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