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An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems

New York (USA), Oxford (UK): Wiley-Blackwell (2005)

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  1. Aesthetics and Rule Following.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2016 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 24:260-262.
    In this essay I point out parallels between Kant’s theory of aesthetics and Wittgenstein’s discussion of rule following. Although Wittgenstein did not write an aesthetics and Kant did not discuss Wittgensteinian rule-following problems, and although both Kant and Wittgenstein begin at very different starting points and use different methods, they end up dealing with similar issues, namely issues about rules, particularity, exemplarity, objectivity, practice, and as-if statements.
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  • Toward an Epistemology of Art.Arnold Cusmariu - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (1):37-64.
    An epistemology of art has seemed problematic mainly because of arguments claiming that an essential element of a theory of knowledge, truth, has no place in aesthetic contexts. For, if it is objectively true that something is beautiful, it seems to follow that the predicate “is beautiful” expresses a property – a view asserted by Plato but denied by Hume and Kant. But then, if the belief that something is beautiful is not objectively true, we cannot be said to know (...)
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  • "Bedeutungserlebnis" and "Lebensgefühl" in Kant and Wittgenstein: Responsibility and the Future.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 17:451-453.
    This essay is about the inner and the outer in Wittgenstein, in particular his notion of “meaning experience”. Wittgenstein reminds us that we should not think of the inner, psychological the way we think about the outer, physical world. Again and again he keeps returning to certain views about the soul and our mental states. I think that it is not only therapy he has in mind. I will contrast certain aesthetic and ethical aspects of his thoughts with views from (...)
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  • Disinterested Pleasure and Beauty: Perspectives from Kantian and Contemporary Aesthetics.Larissa Berger (ed.) - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The conception of disinterested pleasure is not only central to Kant’s theory of beauty but also highly influential in contemporary philosophical discourse about beauty. However, it remains unclear, what exactly disinterested pleasure is and what role it plays in experiences of beauty. This volume sheds new light on the conception of disinterested pleasure from the perspectives of both Kant scholarship and contemporary aesthetics. In the first part, the focus is on Kant’s theory of beauty as grounded on the conception of (...)
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  • The Moral Dimension of Qiyun Aesthetics and Some Kantian Resonances.Xiaoyan Hu - 2019 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 11:339–374.
    In this paper, I suggest that the notion of qiyun (spirit consonance) in the context of landscape painting involves a moral dimension. The Confucian doctrine of sincerity involved in bringing the landscapist’s or audience’s mind in accord with the Dao underpins the moral dimension of spiritual communion between artist, object, audience and work. By projecting Kant’s, and Schiller’s somewhat modified Kantian philosophy of aesthetic autonomy and the moral relevance of art into the qiyun-focused context, we shall see that reflection on (...)
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  • Kant on Common-sense and the Unity of Judgments of Taste.Samuel A. Stoner - 2019 - Kant Yearbook 11 (1):81-99.
    Though the notion of common-sense plays an important role in Kant’s aesthetic theory, it is not immediately clear what Kant means by this term. This essay works to clarify the role that common-sense plays in the logic of Kant’s argument. My interpretive hypothesis is that a careful examination of the way common-sense functions in Kant’s account of judgments of taste can help explain what this notion means. I argue that common-sense names the capacity to discern the relation between the cognitive (...)
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  • The Artist and the Bengalese Finch.Stephen Davies - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (4):715-720.
    Anjan Chatterjee has promoted an analogy between the Bengalese finch and the human artist. With reduced selective pressure from females due to its domestication, the male finch’s song has become more elaborate. Similarly, art’s lack of a practical function facilitates the creative generativity shown by artists. I argue that this analogy is flawed on both sides. Only recently has some art been regarded as non-functional. And the elaboration of the finch’s song is an effect of female selection under the conditions (...)
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  • Beauty in Proofs: Kant on Aesthetics in Mathematics.Angela Breitenbach - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):955-977.
    It is a common thought that mathematics can be not only true but also beautiful, and many of the greatest mathematicians have attached central importance to the aesthetic merit of their theorems, proofs and theories. But how, exactly, should we conceive of the character of beauty in mathematics? In this paper I suggest that Kant's philosophy provides the resources for a compelling answer to this question. Focusing on §62 of the ‘Critique of Aesthetic Judgment’, I argue against the common view (...)
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  • On Wittgenstein's notion of meaning-blindness: Its subjective, objective and aesthetic aspects.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (3):201-219.
    Wittgenstein in his later years thought about experiences of meaning and aspect change. Do such experiences matter? Or would a meaning- or aspect-blind person not lose much? Moreover, is this a matter of aesthetics or epistemology? To get a better perspective on these matters, I will introduce distinctions between certain subjective and objective aspects, namely feelings of our inner psychological states versus fine-tuned objective experiences of the outer world. It seems to me that in his discussion of meaning-blindness, Wittgenstein unhappily (...)
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  • Kant's aesthetics: Overview and recent literature.Christian Wenzel - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (3):380-406.
    In 1764, Kant published his Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime and in 1790 his influential third Critique , the Critique of the Power of Judgment . The latter contains two parts, the 'Critique of the Aesthetic Power of Judgment' and the 'Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment'. They reveal a new principle, namely the a priori principle of purposiveness ( Zweckmäßigkeit ) of our power of judgment, and thereby offer new a priori grounds for (...)
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  • Philosophy of Animal-Made Art | فلسفه‌ی هنرِ جانور-ساخت.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - 2023 - Tehran: Negah-e Moaser Publishing.
    This work was presented at the Research Center for Philosophy of Science of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran) – in Aug 2020. --- -/- Briefly, in the first section of this Persian book, first of all, I (Hereafter: the writer) have presented generalities of Aesthetics and an interpretation of aesthetic universality (Hereafter: φ) and it is argued that each definition of art has to admit φ and this is a Kantian, minimalist, and subjective perspective view (some others would incline (...)
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  • Play in the Information Age.Miguel Sicart - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):517-534.
    This article is an inquiry on the role of play in shaping the cultures of the Information Age. By applying concepts from Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Information, this paper argues that play and computation share a capacity to shape human experience. I will apply the concept of re-ontologization to describe the effect that computation has had in shaping the world. I will apply the concept of relational strategies to argue that play is a way of interfacing with the computational (...)
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  • The mediation of the own body in the critique of the spiritual feeling of the sublime in Kant.Matías Oroño - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 36:29-45.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es sostener que el sentimiento de lo sublime - tal como es planteado por Kant en la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar- supone el vínculo de la mente con el cuerpo propio. De otro modo, no podríamos explicar la variación de las fuerzas vitales que caracteriza al sentimiento de lo sublime. Ahora bien, la conciencia de la propia corporalidad constituye una condición necesaria - aunque no suficiente- del sentimiento de lo sublime. Consideramos que (...)
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  • Lo sublime dinámico en la tercera Crítica de Kant.Matías Oroño - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 27:199-223.
    RESUMEN El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar el vínculo entre lo sublime dinámico y la moralidad en el marco del pensamiento critico de Kant. Defenderemos la tesis según la cual el sentimiento de lo sublime dinámico es irreducible a la moralidad aun cuando este sentimiento supone necesariamente la moralidad. Subsidiariamente, intentaremos señalar que lo sublime dinámico implica una referencia necesaria a la propia corporalidad. Asimismo, esbozaremos una hipótesis en torno a la posibilidad de pensar el rol de la (...)
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  • A kantian reading of aesthetic freedom and complete human nature nourished through art in a classical Chinese artistic context.Xiaoyan Hu - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (2):128-143.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I will show that classical Chinese artists adopted either Daoist or Chan Buddhist meditation to cultivate their mind to be in accord with the Dao, and that their view of the...
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  • "Nada puede gustar sin interés" Las objeciones de Herder contra la definición kantiana de lo bello.Rogelio Rovira Madrid - 2013 - Universitas Philosophica 30 (61).
    El objeto de esta ponencia es examinar la definiciónkantiana de lo bello como lo que place sin interés a la luzde los reproches que contra ella dirige Johann GottfriedHerder, antiguo discípulo del filósofo. La discusión de estasobjeciones, que se contienen en Kalligone, la última obra deHerder, no solo pone de relieve el sentido preciso en queKant entiende la tesis de que ningún interés acompaña a lasatisfacción propia de lo bello, sino que también permitereconstruir el argumento principal que el filósofo aduce (...)
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