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  1. Stable Strategies for Personal Development: On the Prudential Value of Radical Enhancement and the Philosophical Value of Speculative Fiction.Ian Stoner - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):128-150.
    In her short story “Stable Strategies for Middle Management,” Eileen Gunn imagines a future in which Margaret, an office worker, seeks radical genetic enhancements intended to help her secure the middle-management job she wants. One source of the story’s tension and dark humor is dramatic irony: readers can see that the enhancements Margaret buys stand little chance of making her life go better for her; enhancing is, for Margaret, probably a prudential mistake. This paper argues that our positions in the (...)
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  • Rethinking paternalism: an exploration of responses to the Israel Patient's Rights Act 1996.S. Waltho - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):540-543.
    Questions of patient autonomy have formed an important part of ethical debate in medicine from at least the post-war period onwards. Although initially important as a counterweight to widespread medical paternalism, recent years have seen a reaction against a widely perceived ‘triumph of autonomy’. In particular, competent patients' refusal of life-saving or clearly beneficial treatment presents complex dilemmas for both healthcare professionals and ethicists. Discussion of the mechanism provided by the Israel Patient's Rights Act of 1996 for ethics committees to (...)
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  • Reassessing values for emerging big data technologies: integrating design-based and application-based approaches.Karolina La Fors, Bart Custers & Esther Keymolen - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):209-226.
    Through the exponential growth in digital devices and computational capabilities, big data technologies are putting pressure upon the boundaries of what can or cannot be considered acceptable from an ethical perspective. Much of the literature on ethical issues related to big data and big data technologies focuses on separate values such as privacy, human dignity, justice or autonomy. More holistic approaches, allowing a more comprehensive view and better balancing of values, usually focus on either a design-based approach, in which it (...)
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  • The four principles: Can they be measured and do they predict ethical decision making? [REVIEW]Katie Page - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):10-.
    Background: The four principles of Beauchamp and Childress - autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice - havebeen extremely influential in the field of medical ethics, and are fundamental for understanding the currentapproach to ethical assessment in health care. This study tests whether these principles can be quantitativelymeasured on an individual level, and then subsequently if they are used in the decision making process whenindividuals are faced with ethical dilemmas. Methods: The Analytic Hierarchy Process was used as a tool for the measurement (...)
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  • Response to Westin and Nilstun.Simon Waltho - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (2):119-122.
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  • Principlism Revisited: Response to Simon Waltho. [REVIEW]Lars Westin & Tore Nilstun - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (4):247-248.
    We respond to the comments provided on our paper `Principles help to analyse but often give no solution-secondary prevention after a cardiac event’ by Simon Waltho, and highlight points of clarification.
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