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  1. Sorting and the ecology of freedom of association.Valerie Soon - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (4):411-432.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • Private discrimination, marriage markets, and caste.Bastian Steuwer - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Anti‐discrimination laws draw a distinction between two kinds of discrimination by non‐state actors. Intimate choices are protected even if they are morally wrong. For example, even if it is morally wrong to discriminate on the basis of race in deciding whom to date, marry or befriend, anti‐discrimination laws permit these acts. By contrast, commercial decisions are commonly regulated. I argue that the reasons for regulating commercial decisions also extend to an intermediate case, commercial facilitators of marriage choices. In the context (...)
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  • Justice in migration: A closed borders utopia?Lea Ypi - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (4):391-418.
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  • Outsourcing Love.Danielle Levitan - 2025 - Analytic Philosophy.
    This paper responds to recent arguments for the outsourcing of parental obligations and shows why such proposals are morally problematic. After outlining why it is impermissible for the parent–child attachment to be outsourced, and prior to section 1, I explain the meaning of the duty of love. In section 1 I note the primary motivating intuitions that lead parents to shift their moral obligations. I then discuss the intuition that the decision to shift an obligation of this sort cannot be (...)
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  • Do we have a duty not to discriminate when we date?Simone Sommer Degn & Søren Flinch Midtgaard - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Many believe that we have a duty not to discriminate when we act in certain ‘public’ capacities, for example when it is our job to select among various candidates for a job. In contrast, they deny that we have duties of a similar kind in our private lives, for example in our romantic lives. In this paper, we challenge this well‐entrenched asymmetry. We do so primarily by canvassing and rebutting central arguments to the effect that acting discriminatorily, for example when (...)
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  • Distributive Justice and The Problem of Friendship.Cordelli Chiara - 2015 - Political Studies 63 (3):679-695.
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  • Consent and Right Action in Sport.Steven Weimer - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):11-31.
    This paper argues that recent treatments of ethics in sport have accorded too much importance to the promotion and portrayal of a sport’s excellences, and too little to the consent of participants First, I consider and reject a fundamental challenge to the idea that consent should play a central role in determining the morality of action in sport – namely, Sean McAleer’s argument to the effect that consent is incapable of rendering normally impermissible actions permissible in sport. I then offer (...)
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  • Feasibility and social rights.Charlie Richards - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (4):470-494.
    Social interactions and personal relationships are essential for a minimally good life, and rights to such things – social rights – have been increasingly acknowledged in the literature. The question as to what extent social rights are feasible – and properly qualify as rights – however, remains. Can individuals reliably provide each other with love and friendship after trying, for instance? At first glance, this claim seems counterintuitive. This paper argues, contrary to our pre-theoretic intuitions, that individuals can reliably provide (...)
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  • A Confucian mutualist theory of sport.Alexander Pho - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (2):256-280.
    This article develops a novel theory of sport that I call ‘Confucian mutualism’. Confucian mutualism is underpinned by the Confucian Golden Rule and the Confucian conception of human dignity. It resembles the mutualist theory of sport developed by Robert L. Simon in maintaining that sport participants ethically ought to prioritize promoting sporting excellence both in themselves and in their co-participants. However, while Simon’s mutualism maintains that sporting excellence consists in proficiency at sport constitutive skills, Confucian mutualism maintains that sporting excellence (...)
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  • The Duty to Hire on Merit: Mapping the Terrain.Ned Dobos - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (2):353-368.
    The idea that jobs should be awarded purely on merit has become something of an axiom, but the moral basis of it remains elusive. If employers are under a duty to appoint the most qualified candidate, to whom exactly is this duty owed, and on what grounds? I distinguish two kinds of answers to this question. Candidate-centred arguments are those according to which qualifications generate entitlements for their bearer, such that the most qualified applicant for a job has some moral (...)
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  • A Further Defence of the Right Not to Vote.Ben Saunders - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (1):93-108.
    Opponents of compulsory voting often allege that it violates a ‘right not to vote’. This paper seeks to clarify and defend such a right against its critics. First, I propose that this right must be understood as a Hohfeldian claim against being compelled to vote, rather than as a mere privilege to abstain. So construed, the right not to vote is compatible with a duty to vote, so arguments for a duty to vote do not refute the existence of such (...)
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  • Heckling, Free Speech, and Freedom of Association.Emily McTernan & Robert Mark Simpson - 2023 - Mind 133 (529):117-142.
    People sometimes use speech to interfere with other people’s speech, as in the case of a heckler sabotaging a lecture with constant interjections. Some people claim that such interference infringes upon free speech. Against this view, we argue that where competing speakers in a public forum both have an interest in speaking, free speech principles should not automatically give priority to the ‘official’ speaker. Given the ideals underlying free speech, heckling speech sometimes deserves priority. But what can we say, then, (...)
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  • Collective rights.Dwight G. Newman - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (3):221-232.
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  • Attraction and Alienation.Thomas J. Spiegel - forthcoming - Theoria:e12594.
    Normative questions about discrimination and preferences in dating have recently received mounting attention. I first argue that the current discourse can be reconstructed as between two theoretical camps: proponents of mere preference accounts and proponents of obligation accounts. Second, I argue that both positions presuppose a framework assumption to the effect that attraction is to be conceived of in terms of (positive or negative) obligations. This is because the mere preference account denies obligations in dating, whereas obligation accounts embrace (at (...)
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  • The Right to Exclude and the Duty to Include: Self-determination, Equal Opportunity, and Immigration.Eszter Kollar & Ayelet Banai - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (5-6):483-511.
    The immigration debate in political theory has produced a series of accounts that justify the state’s right to exclude potential immigrants, where the right of self-determination figures prominently. We challenge two prominent accounts of the self-determination-based right to exclude and defend a circumscribed right to exclude and a corollary duty to admit immigrants, based on our ‘people relationship goods’ account of self-determination. Our conception reconciles the moral claims of global opportunity migrants with the well-being and non-alienation interests of the locals. (...)
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  • The right to a fair exit.Élise Rouméas - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (2):160-176.
    This paper introduces a novel account of freedom of dissociation, construed as the “right to a fair exit.” It defines freedom of dissociation as the right to end an association without excessive and undue costs. This novel account contrasts with the classic right of exit that some liberal philosophers have theorized as the bedrock of associational freedom. The original right of exit is first and foremost concerned with the protection against excessive exit costs, while the right to a fair exit (...)
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  • Discrimination and the exclusion of people with disabilities.Sahar Akhtar - 2024 - Ethics and Global Politics 17 (2):68-82.
    My paper explores the question of when it is wrong for a state’s immigration criteria to discriminate against people with disabilities, focusing on the idea that discrimination is wrong when it demeans a group, rather than when it disadvantages them. I argue that selecting against people with disabilities often demeans them but might not always do so even when immigration criteria explicitly exclude people on the basis of having disabilities – that is, in cases of direct discrimination. Moreover, I demonstrate (...)
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  • A non‐European European Union.Siba Harb - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):515-529.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 515-529, June 2022.
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  • Does Freedom of Association Justify Restrictions on Immigration?Lars Vinx - 2015 - Res Cogitans 10 (1).
    Christopher Wellman has argued that legitimate states enjoy a right to freedom of association that necessarily includes a right to exclude immigrants. This paper shows that Wellman’s argument for this conclusion is unsound since it is based on a construction of collective rights that is inapplicable to the rights of a state.
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  • How privatization threatens the private.Chiara Cordelli - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (1):65-87.
    Across countries, governments are urging civil society, in particular charitable and non-profit associations, to take up a part of the social burden, and to produce and provide critical human services and social goods, either independently or on governments' behalf. This type of privatization, or public–private partnership, is encouraged by many on grounds of pluralism and liberty, as empowering individuals and their associations. In this paper, I aim to provide a liberty-based normative argument against privatization. A common view, supported by both (...)
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  • Who Are the People? Associative Freedom and the Democratic Boundary Problem.Frank Dietrich - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    The justification of criteria for the delineation and composition of democratic communities poses a significant challenge for democratic theory. The article argues that the all-subjected principle (ASP), advocated inter alia by Robert Dahl, fails to provide a convincing solution of the democratic boundary problem. Based on a detailed critique of the ASP, an alternative approach that builds on the right of association and a territorial principle is suggested. In contrast to non-territorial associations, such as religious communities, territorially organized states have (...)
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  • Humanity’s Collective Ownership of the Earth and Immigration.Risse Mathias - 2016 - Journal of Practical Ethics 4 (2):31-66.
    In my 2012 book On Global Justice, I argued that humanity’s collective ownership of the earth should be central to reflection on the permissibility of immigration. Other philosophers have recently offered accounts of immigration that do without the kind of global standpoint provided by collective ownership. I argue here that all these attempts fail. But once we see how humanity’s collective ownership of the earth can deliver a genuinely global standpoint on immigration, we must also consider two alternative ways of (...)
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