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Seneca Philosophus

Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter (2014)

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  1. La debolezza di volontà in Anselmo e le sue fonti.Riccardo Fedriga & Roberto Limonta - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (3):357-386.
    The Weakness of Will in Anselm of Canterbury and his Sources. The article aims to retrace the sources for a theory of the weakness of will (incontinentia) in Anselm of Canterbury’s works. Paul of Tarsus, Augustine of Hippo and Lanfranc of Canterbury seem to be in the theological context the main Anselmian sources for what is defined as a modal theory of the weakness of will, founded on the crucial notion of rectitudo. This theory appears to be original compared to (...)
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