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  1. Consent to epistemic interventions: a contribution to the debate on the right (not) to know.Niels Nijsingh - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (1):103-110.
    The debate on the ‘right to know’ has simmered on for over 30 years. New examples where a right to be informed is contrasted to a right to be kept in ignorance occasionally surface and spark disagreement on the extent to which patients and research subjects have a right to be self-determining concerning the health related information they receive. Up until now, however, this debate has been unsatisfactory with regard to the question what type of rights—if any—are in play here (...)
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  • Nanomedicine First-in-Human Research: Challenges for Informed Consent.Nancy M. P. King - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):823-830.
    First-in-human research has several characteristics that require special attention with respect to ethics and human subjects protections. At least some nanomedical technologies may also have characteristics that merit special attention in clinical research, as other papers in this symposium show. This paper considers how to address these characteristics in the consent form and process for FIH nanomedicine research, focusing principally on experimental nanotherapeutic interventions but also considering nanodiagnostic interventions.It is essential, as a starting point, to recognize that the consent form (...)
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  • A New Challenge for Research Ethics: Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging.Bert Heinrichs - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (1):59-65.
    It has become evident that neuroimaging raises new normative questions that cannot be addressed adequately within the (in this regard unspecific) frameworks of existing research ethics. Questions that are especially troubling are, among others, provoked by incidental findings. Two questions are particularly intricate in view of incidental findings: (1) How can the research subject’s right not to know be guaranteed? And (2) should a diagnostic check of scans by a neuroradiologist become an obligatory part of neuroscientific research protocols? The present (...)
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  • Exploring health and disease concepts in healthcare practice: an empirical philosophy of medicine study.Rik R. van der Linden & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    In line with recent proposals for experimental philosophy and philosophy of science in practice, we propose that the philosophy of medicine could benefit from incorporating empirical research, just as bioethics has. In this paper, we therefore take first steps towards the development of an empirical philosophy of medicine, that includes investigating practical and moral dimensions. This qualitative study gives insight into the views and experiences of a group of various medical professionals and patient representatives regarding the conceptualization of health and (...)
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  • A Framework for Analyzing the Ethics of Disclosing Genetic Research Findings.Lisa Eckstein, Jeremy R. Garrett & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (2):190-207.
    Over the past decade, there has been an extensive debate about whether researchers have an obligation to disclose genetic research findings, including primary and secondary findings. There appears to be an emerging (but disputed) view that researchers have some obligation to disclose some genetic findings to some research participants. The contours of this obligation, however, remain unclear. -/- As this paper will explore, much of this confusion is definitional or conceptual in nature. The extent of a researcher’s obligation to return (...)
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  • A Perspective From Clinical Providers and Patients: Researchers’ Duty to Actively Look for Genetic Incidental Findings.Kathryn M. Ross & Marian Reiff - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (2):56-58.
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  • The Future of Incidental Findings: Should They be Viewed as Benefits?Lisa S. Parker - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):341-351.
    This paper argues against considering incidental fndings as potential benefts of research when assessing the social value of proposed research, determining the appropriateness of a study's risk/beneft ratio, and identifying and disclosing the risks and benefts of participation during informed consent. The possibility of generating IFs should be disclosed during informed consent as neither a risk nor beneft, but as a possible outcome collateral to participation. Whether specifc IFs will be disclosed when identifed is a separate question whose answer is (...)
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  • What Research Ethics Should Learn from Genomics and Society Research: Lessons from the ELSI Congress of 2011.Gail E. Henderson, Eric T. Juengst, Nancy M. P. King, Kristine Kuczynski & Marsha Michie - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):1008-1024.
    In much the same way that genomic technologies are changing the complexion of biomedical research, the issues they generate are changing the agenda of IRBs and research ethics. Many of the biggest challenges facing traditional research ethics today — privacy and confidentiality of research subjects; ownership, control, and sharing of research data; return of results and incidental findings; the relevance of group interests and harms; the scope of informed consent; and the relative importance of the therapeutic misconception — have become (...)
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  • Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice.Hassan Siddiki, J. G. Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel & Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):320-331.
    Incidental fndings of potential medical signifcance are seen in approximately 5-8 percent of asymptomatic subjects and 16 percent of symptomatic subjects participating in large computed tomography colonography studies, with the incidence varying further by CT acquisition technique. While most CTC research programs have a well-defned plan to detect and disclose IFs, such plans are largely communicated only verbally. Written consent documents should also inform subjects of how IFs of potential medical signifcance will be detected and reported in CTC research studies.
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  • Ethical signposts for clinical geneticists in secondary variant and incidental finding disclosure discussions.Gabrielle M. Christenhusz, Koenraad Devriendt, Hilde Van Esch & Kris Dierickx - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):361-370.
    While ethical and empirical interest in so-called secondary variants and incidental findings in clinical genetics contexts is growing, critical reflection on the ethical foundations of the various recommendations proposed is thus far largely lacking. We examine and critique the ethical justifications of the three most prominent disclosure positions: briefly, the clinical geneticist decides, a joint decision, and the patient decides. Subsequently, instead of immediately developing a new disclosure option, we explore relevant foundational ethical values and norms, drawing on the normative (...)
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