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  1. A decision support system for the graph model of conflicts.D. Marc Kilgour, Liping Fang & Keith W. Hipel - 1990 - Theory and Decision 28 (3):289-311.
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  • What do you think I think you think?: Strategic reasoning in matrix games.Trey Hedden & Jun Zhang - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):1-36.
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  • Non-Strict Ordinal 2 x 2 Games: A Comprehensive Computer-Assisted Analysis of the 726 Possibilities. [REVIEW]Niall M. Fraser - 1986 - Theory and Decision 20 (2):99.
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  • Optimal Deterrence.Steven J. Brams & D. Marc Kilgour - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):118.
    1. Introduction The policy of deterrence, at least to avert nuclear war between the superpowers, has been a controversial one. The main controversy arises from the threat of each side to visit destruction on the other in response to an initial attack. This threat would seem irrational if carrying it out would lead to a nuclear holocaust – the worst outcome for both sides. Instead, it would seem better for the side attacked to suffer some destruction rather than to retaliate (...)
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  • Policy Stable States in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution.Dao-Zhi Zeng, Liping Fang, Keith W. Hipel & D. Marc Kilgour - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (4):345-365.
    A new approach to policy analysis is formulated within the framework of the graph model for conflict resolution. A policy is defined as a plan of action for a decision maker (DM) that specifies the DM’s intended action starting at every possible state in a graph model of a conflict. Given a profile of policies, a Policy Stable State (PSS) is a state that no DM moves away from (according to its policy), and such that no DM would prefer to (...)
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  • Theory and implementation of coalitional analysis in cooperative decision making.Haiyan Xu, D. Marc Kilgour, Keith W. Hipel & Edward A. McBean - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):147-171.
    Stability definitions for describing human behavior under conflict when coalitions may form are generalized within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution and algebraic formulations of these definitions are provided to allow computer implementation. The more general definitions of coalitional stabilities relax the assumption of transitive graphs capturing movements under the control of decision makers, either independently or cooperatively, and allow the convenient expansion to the case of coalitions of the four basic individual stabilities consisting of Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric (...)
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  • Combining strength and uncertainty for preferences in the graph model for conflict resolution with multiple decision makers.Haiyan Xu, Keith W. Hipel, D. Marc Kilgour & Ye Chen - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (4):497-521.
    A hybrid preference framework is proposed for strategic conflict analysis to integrate preference strength and preference uncertainty into the paradigm of the graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) under multiple decision makers. This structure offers decision makers a more flexible mechanism for preference expression, which can include strong or mild preference of one state or scenario over another, as well as equal preference. In addition, preference between two states can be uncertain. The result is a preference framework that is more (...)
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  • Long-Term Behavior in the Theory of Moves.Stephen J. Willson - 1998 - Theory and Decision 45 (3):201-240.
    This paper proposes a revised Theory of Moves (TOM) to analyze matrix games between two players when payoffs are given as ordinals. The games are analyzed when a given player i must make the first move, when there is a finite limit n on the total number of moves, and when the game starts at a given initial state S. Games end when either both players pass in succession or else a total of n moves have been made. Studies are (...)
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  • A Simplified Taxonomy of 2 x 2 Games.Bernard Walliser - 1988 - Theory and Decision 25 (2):163.
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