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  1. (2 other versions)Supervenience, reduction, and infinite disjunction.Nick Zangwill - 1995 - Philosophia 24 (3-4):321-30.
    Can a certain sort of property supervene on another sort of property without reducing to it? Many philosophers find the superveniencel irreducibility combination attractive in the philosophy of mind and in moral philosophy. They think that mental properties supervene upon physical properties but do not reduce to them, or that moral properties supervene upon natural properties without reducing to them. Other philosophers have tried to show that the combination is ultimately untenable, however attractive it might initially appear. Thus Ted Honderich (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Supervenience, reduction, and infinite disjunction.Nick Zangwill - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (1-2):151-164.
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  • La sopravvenienza estetica.Alfonso Ottobre - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 36 (36):209-231.
    All’inizio degli anni Sessanta Frank Sibley pubblicava un articolo dal titolo inequivocabile, Aesthetic and Non Aesthetic; in esso, riprendendo alcuni spunti presenti in un altro suo celebre articolo, precedente di pochi anni, il filosofo americano affrontava esplicitamente il problema del rapporto tra giudizi, qualità, descrizioni e concetti estetici e non estetici. Aveva così inizio un dibattito tra i più fecondi sviluppatisi in seno all’estetica analitica, dibattito che ancora oggi è al ce...
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  • Grounding Moralism: Moral Flaws and Aesthetic Properties.Aaron Smuts - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (4):34-53.
    My goal in this article is to provide support for the claim that moral flaws can be detrimental to an artwork's aesthetic value. I argue that moral flaws can become aesthetic flaws when they defeat the operation of good-making aesthetic properties. I do not defend a new theory of aesthetic properties or aesthetic value; instead, I attempt to show that on both the response-dependence and the supervenience account of aesthetic properties, moral flaws with an artwork are relevant to what aesthetic (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Supervenience, reduction, and infinite disjunction.Nick Zangwill - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (1-2):321-330.
    Can a certain sort of property supervene on another sort of property without reducing to it? Many philosophers find the superveniencel irreducibility combination attractive in the philosophy of mind and in moral philosophy (Davidson 1980 and Moore 1903). They think that mental properties supervene upon physical properties but do not reduce to them, or that moral properties supervene upon natural properties without reducing to them. Other philosophers have tried to show that the combination is ultimately untenable, however attractive it might (...)
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