In the Visuddhimagga, there is movement from an early Buddhist
phenominalist epistemology towards essentialist ontology based in
rationality and abstraction. The reductionist methodology of the
Abhidhamma and reactions to it brought forth a theory of momentariness not
found in early Buddhism. Abhidhamma reductionism and the concept of
phenomenal dhammas led to a conception of momentary time-points and
the incorporation of a cinematic model of temporal consciousness as a direct
consequence of momentariness. Essentialism was incorporated into the
Visuddhimagga precisely because of Buddhaghosa’s commitment to
momentariness. This is seen in Buddhaghosa’s treatment of karma and
rebirth. Karma, particularly death-threshold karma, receives more emphasis
in the Visuddhimagga than was previously found in the Suttas. This is due to
the need to explain the continuity of the process of karmic rebirth in light of
the theory of momentariness, making it necessary for Buddhaghosa to
synthesise momentariness with the tri-temporal existence of the