Phenomenology, as propounded by Edmond Husserl, is an important movements in the modern western philosophy, while sÅÙkhya and its application yoga are the ancient Indian philosophical disciplines or dar±ana. This is a comparative study of phenomenology with sÅÙkhya and yoga. As per my present understanding this project is now completed. I have organized the outcome of my study in the following four papers preceded by prolegomena:
Prolegomena to the comparative study of Phenomenology and SaÙkhya
1, Consciousness in Phenomenology and SÅÙkhya
2. ‘Nature’ (ontology) in Phenomenology and SÅÙkhya
3. Structures (cosmology) in Phenomenology and SÅÙkhya
4. ‘Terminal Transcendental Teleological Cause’ in Phenomenology and SÅÙkhya
The parallelism between the philosophical disciplines, so far removed historically, geographically and culturally from each other, which this study brought out, was not only fascinating but also extensive. Certain differences also have been critically brought out.
Viewing phenomenology through the grid of sÅÙkhya, I found, elucidates
phenomenology. In being viewed from the perspective of a philosophical school, as modern as that of phenomenology, the ancient Indian disciplines also stand to benefit. The comparative study can hope to introduce sÅÙkhya to those acquainted with phenomenology and vice versa. This presentation is an attempt to share the flavor of my findings.