Avicenna has placed the discussion of bliss and happiness as the main axis of the eighth Namat of ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt, and he has dedicated the first two chapters of this Namat to the issue of the originality of pleasure and intellectual happiness and its strength compared to other pleasures. In the first chapter, Avicenna has addressed the anteriority of internal pleasure over external pleasure by expressing an "Wahm" and "Tanbih", and he has rejected the views of those who make pleasure exclusive to external issues. On the other hand, he also mentioned the second chapter as a sequel to the first chapter and in that he refuted the promise of those who reckon that happiness is exclusive in sensual matters. In this way, Avicenna's purpose in these two chapters is to prove the pleasure and intellectual happiness and its superiority over other pleasures. As a matter of fact, Avicenna has made this discussion the basis for other discussions of this Namat, and this study will aim to analyze the content of these two chapters.