Cross-cultural dialogue between the Kyoto School of modern Japanese philosophy and the
classical pragmatist tradition in American philosophy can help educators to clarify aims for
greater ecological responsiveness in moral education. This dialogue can contribute to meeting an
urgent practical need to cultivate ecological imagination, and an equally practical need to make
theoretical sense of the way in which ecological perception becomes relevant to moral
deliberation. The first section of this chapter explores relational thinking in the Kyoto School
and American pragmatism to help develop, in the second section, a concept of ecological
imagination. A fine-tuned ecological imagination is a capacity we already count on in our best
environmental writers, educators, scientists, and policy analysts. Moral deliberation enlists
imagination of a specifically ecological sort when the imaginative structures we use to
understand ecosystemic relationships shape our mental simulations and what John Dewey calls
our “dramatic rehearsals.” The final section draws from the foregoing to clarify some
appropriate aims for contemporary moral education. Enriched through cross-cultural dialogue
about the relational networks in which our finite lives are embedded, a finely aware ecological
imagination can make the deliberations of the coming generation more trustworthy.