Starting from a philosophical perspective, which states that the living structures are actually a combination between matter and information, this article presents the results on an analysis of the bipolar information-matter structure of
the human organism, distinguishing three fundamental circuits for its survival, which demonstrates and supports
this statement, as a base for further development of the informational model of consciousness to a general
informational model of the human organism. For this, it was examined the Informational System of the Human Body and its components from the perspective of the physics/information/neurosciences concepts, showing specific
functions of each of them, highlighting the correspondence of these centers with brain support areas and with their projections in consciousness, which are: Center of Acquisition and Storing of Information (CASI) reflected in
consciousness as memory, Center of Decision and Command (CDC) (decision), Info-Emotional Center (IES)
(emotions), Maintenance Informational System (MIS) (personal status), Genetic Transmission System (GTS)
(associativity/genetic transmission) and Info Genetic Generator (IGG) related by the body development and
inherited behaviors. The Info Connection (IC), detected in consciousness as trust and confidence can explain the Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and associated phenomena. This connection is antientropic and informational, because from the multitude of uncertain possibilities is selected a certain one, helping/supporting the survival and
life. The human body appears therefore as a bipolar structure, connected to two poles: information and matter. It is argued that the survival, which is the main objective of the organism, is complied in three main ways, by means of: (i) the reactive operation for adaptation by attitude; (ii) the info-genetic integration of information by epigenetic processes and genetic transmission of information for species survival, both circuits (i) and (ii) being associated to
the information pole; (iii) maintenance of the material body (defined as informed matter) and its functions, associated to the matter pole of the organism. It results therefore that the informational system of the human body is
supported by seven informational circuits formed by the neuro-connections between the specific zones of the brain
corresponding to the informational subsystems, the cognitive centers, the sensors, transducers and execution
(motor/mobile) elements. The fundamental informational circuits assuring the survival are the reactive circuit, expressible by attitude, the epigenetic/genetic circuit, absorbing and codifying information to be transmitted to the next generations, and the metabolic circuit, connected to matter (matter pole). The presented analysis allows to
extend the informational modeling of consciousness to an Informational Model of Consciousness and Organism, fully describing the composition/functions of the organism in terms of information/matter and neurosciences concept