In biological terms, human consciousness
appears as a feature associated with the func-
tioning of the human brain. The corresponding
activities of the neural network occur strictly in
accord with physical laws; however, this fact
does not necessarily imply that there can be
a comprehensive scientific theory of conscious-
ness, despite all the progress in neurobiology,
neuropsychology and neurocomputation. Pre-
dictions of the extent to which such a theory
may become possible vary widely in the scien-
tific community. There are basic reasons - not
only practical but also epistemological - why the
brain-mind relation may never be fully “decod-
able” by general finite procedures. In partic-
ular self-referential features of consciousness,
such as self-representations involved in strate-
gic thought and dispositions, may not be resolv-
able in all their essential aspects by brain analy-
sis. Assuming that such limitations exist, objec-
tive analysis by the methods of natural science
cannot, in principle, fully encompass subjective,
mental experience.