Today’s societies place challenging demands on individuals, who are confronted with complexity in many aspects of their lives. Individuals need to acquire a wide range of competencies in order to overcome the complex challenges of today’s world. Using real-world problems is important not only to hone students’ mathematical thinking and competency but also to prepare them in making well-grounded decisions that involve logical and mathematical reasoning. Thus, this study explored the competence of the students in applying mathematics in real world problems and determined the predictors using the selected profile variables. Regression analysis was used to identify if there are predictors that determine the results of the assessment. The main tool of the study was the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test in mathematics. Findings revealed that the predictors include confidence level, repeated kinder, mother work status and highest level of education to complete. This study could be a guide for determining the strengths and weaknesses of students in applying
mathematics in the real world as framework in helping them handle the rigors of connecting math with their lives.