A hydraulic actuator is a system that can provide a large power amplification in industries and
factories. In this paper, mass lifter hydraulic actuator system to a desired displacement is designed
using optimal control theory. MPC and LQR controllers are used to design and improve the
performance of the hydraulic actuator. The hydraulic actuator system is linearized using Taylor
series linearization method and designed using Matlab/Simulink tool. Comparison of the hydraulic
actuator with MPC and LQR controllers using three desired output displacement signals (step, sine
wave and white noise) is done and simulation results have been analyzed successfully. For the
desired step input signal, the hydraulic actuator system with MPC controller lower rise and settling
times with small percentage overshoot as compared to the hydraulic actuator system with LQR
controller and for the desired sine wave signal, the hydraulic actuator system with MPC controller
almost track the desired sine wave input signal correctly as compared to the hydraulic actuator
system with LQR controller. While for the desired white noise input signal, the hydraulic actuator
system with MPC controller have tried to track the desired white noise input signal with small
variation in amplitude as compared to the hydraulic actuator system with LQR controller. Finally
the comparative simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed hydraulic actuator
system with MPC controller.