Korea maintained a dual system of legal education since it imported
the American style of legal education under the influence of Japan.
The public had conceived it a kind of nerd or dude that had to be
engrafted with the national needs as any solution in the face of
globalization challenge. This led to a monopoly of legal education in
Korea that disturbed the interest holders, those whom are lawyers, law
professors, law schools and department of laws and the interested
public, into discontention and aggrievance. While law schools in Korea
now emphasize a unitary approach for the whole group of lawyers
through bar association and law schools, the professors of law
department, the other form of grass-root legal education in this soil,
perceived that it should include a wide of public interest amenable to
its respective concerns. Under this backdrop, the paper explored the
French model of judge selection and discussed the inadequacy of
current American style to select the judge from the pool of career
attorneys. The author also suggests a change of paradigm niggardly
upon public inculcation and consensus that best suits the distinct
Korean tradition and policy environment of national judicial system.