Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy
associated with its most prominent advocates—Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas—together with Paulo Freire’s
critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings’s pedagogy of care and
concern, and even Gadamer’s integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest
challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on
exams and achievement. This article describes the dual discourse connected to the schools. The first is the inner
dialogical, which is devoted to student freedom and progress, the child being placed at the center. The second is the
exterior discourse, which represents the school as a place of counter-education that provides personal and group
development and comprises a site of liberty and choice. The schools in Israel are described as test case and
indicating the existence of a sophisticated form of deception via the use of alluring terminology. The democratic
private schools should be recognized for what they really are—agents of commodification that undermine
democracy rather than enhance it.