O neophodnosti standardizovanja srpske ontološke terminologije

Kultura (134):297-308 (2012)
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The in­ten­tion of this pa­per is to po­int out a tr­o­u­ble­so­me si­tu­a­tion in con­tem­po­rary Ser­bian on­to­lo­gi­cal ter­mi­no­logy, and al­so to in­di­ca­te the ways and pre-con­di­ti­ons in terms of hi­story of phi­lo­sophy, hi­story of lan­gu­a­ge and met­ho­do­logy in se­ar­ching for pos­si­ble so­lu­ti­ons. We are al­so trying to cast so­me light on the pr­o­blem of re­la­ti­on­ship bet­we­en lan­gu­a­ge and phi­lo­sop­hi­cal thin­king.


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