The majority of philosophers of religion, at least since Plantinga’s reply
to Mackie’s logical problem of evil, agree that it is logically possible for
an omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God to exist who
permits some of the evils we see in the actual world. This is conceivable
essentially because of the possible world known as heaven. That is, heaven
is an imaginable world in a similar way that logically possible scenarios
in any fiction are imaginable. However, like some of the imaginable
stories in fiction where we are asked to envision an immoral act as a moral
one, we resist. I will employ the works of Tamar Gendler on imaginative
resistance and Keith Buhler’s Virtue Ethics approach to moral
imaginative resistance and apply them to the conception of heaven and
the problem of evil. While we can imagine God as an omnibenevolent
parent permitting evil to allow for morally significant freedom and the
rewards in heaven or punishments in hell (both possible worlds), we
should not. This paper is not intended to be a refutation of particular
theodicies; rather it provides a very general groundwork connecting
issues of horrendous suffering and imaginative resistance to heaven as a
possible world.