Toronto: Idea Factory Press (
The limitations of logic in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of the nature of reality has been encountered by philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, theologians, psychologists, and by people from any field of study, or walk of life, no matter their religious, political, or intellectual affiliation or belief. Any curious and thinking person who engages with abstract thought, the material world, or the nature of the cosmos, other people, or any pursuit of the mind inevitably runs up against the limitations with which reason and logic alone can explain, interact with, and understand the mysteries of the universe. Drawing on Kurt Gödel's (1906-1978) application of the 'Paradox of Undecidability' from his Incompleteness Theorems (1931), The Destruction of Logic from Within will expand on G.W. Leibniz' (1646-1716) concept of the 'incompossible' and apply it to the limits of logic. This volume will propose that the use of logic can be surpassed by its own definition as a finite tool of understanding. This will be done by exploring the idea that the internal breakdown of logic itself will by extension, have logically useful implications and applications as a way to seek individual spiritual growth. It will be argued that when logic reaches its point of breakdown and internal contradiction, an opportunity arises to find meaning in a greater awareness of humanity's limits of understanding. This, despite many scientific advancements and improvements to material well-being. The book is part philosophy and part theology. One of the objectives of this book to show that logic and faith are compatible and complementary to each other despite the prevailing and reflexive assumption often found in the Western world to the contrary. Meanwhile, the book sets course by telling the story of how spiritual freedom of conscience led to improved well-being for those who sought out a new beginning in North America. The Destruction of Logic from Within will also examine the biblical basis of freedom of conscience, and for the rationalist skeptic, it will put biblical coherence under a microscope. A supplemental glossary in the volume clarifies the way in which many terms and concepts found inside are used. Each chapter builds on the previous to present a strong argument that it is a sound and logical choice to accept the enduring Christian message of God's love.