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Easy to understand philosophy papers in all areas. Table of contents:
Three Short Philosophy Papers on Human Freedom The Paradox of Religions Institutions
Different Perspectives on Religious Belief:
O’Reilly v. Dawkins. v. James v. Clifford Schopenhauer on Suicide
Schopenhauer’s Fractal Conception of Reality Theodore Roszak’s Views on Bicameral Consciousness Philosophy Exam Questions and Answers
Locke, Aristotle and Kant on Virtue Logic Lecture for Erika
Kant’s Ethics
Van Cleve on Epistemic Circularity Plato’s Theory of Forms
Can we trust our senses? Yes we can Descartes on What He Believes Himself to Be The Role of Values in Science
Modern Science
Kant’s Moral Philosophy
Plato’s Republic as Pol Potist Bureaucracy Schopenhauer on Human Suffering Bertrand Russell on the Value of Philosophy The Philosophical Value of Uncertainty Logic Homework: Theorems and Models Searle vs. Turing on the Imitation Game
Hume, Frankfurt, and Holbach on Personal Freedom
Manifesto of the University of Wisconsin, Madison Secular Society Michael’s Analysis of the Limits of Civil Protections
Bentham and Mill on Different Types of Pleasure Set Theory Homework
Aristotle on Virtue
Nagel On the Hard Problem Wittgenstein on Language and Thought
Camus and Schopenhauer on the Meaning of Life Camus’ Hero as Rebel without a Cause
My Little Finger: Camus’ Absurdism Illustrated Are Late-term Abortions Ethical?
Does Mathematics Assume the Truth of Platonism?
The Self-defeating Nature of Utilitarianism and Consequentialism Generally What is The Good Life?
Bentham and Mill regarding types of pleasures Kant’s Moral Philosophy
Five Short Papers on Mind-body Dualism
Tracy Latimer’s Father had the Right to Kill Her: Towards a doctrine of generalized self-defense Arguments Concerning God and Morality
Goldman, Rousseau and von Hayek on the Ideal State
J.S Mill on Liberty and Personal Freedom
A Kantian Analysis of a Borderline Date-rape Situation
Living Well as Flourishing: Aristotle’s Conception of the Good Life
Three Essays on Medical Ethics: Answers to Exam Questions on Elective Amputation, Vaccination, and Informed Consent
Hobbes, Marx, Rousseau, Nietzsche: Their Central Themes De Tocqueville on Egoism
Mill vs. Hobbes on Liberty
Exam-Essays on the Moral Systems of Mill, Bentham, and Kant Kant’s Moral System
Aristotle on Virtue Plato’s Cave Allegory An Ethical Quandary Superorganisms
The Tuskegee Experiment A Rawlsian Analysis Why Moore’s Proof of an External World Fails
A Defense of Nagel’s Argument Against Materialism A Utilitarian Analysis of a Case of Theft
The Paradox of the Self-aware Wretch: An Analysis of Pascal’s Moral Philosophy Jean-Paul Sartre: Decline and Fall of a Marxist Sell-out
A One Page Proof of Plato’s Theory of Forms Plato’s Republic as Pol Potist Bureaucracy The problem of the one and the many
Four Short Essays on Truth and Knowledge What is ‘the Good Life?’
The Ontological Argument
Different Political Philosophies: Plato, Locke, Madison, Rousseau, Hayek, and Mill on the State What do I know with certainty?
Skepticism about skepticism Neuroscience and Freewill Operant Conditioning
What makes us special?
Are Late-term Abortions Ethical? No
Two Papers on Epistemology: Gettier and Bostrom Examination Nietzsche on Punishment
God’s Foreknowledge and Moral Responsibility