E&Y Better Government Programme (
This report presents the results of a research project which examined how
Polish administrative courts exercise discretionary powers when deciding
cases related to business activity. When a business enterprise asks the
court to review actions taken by administration, judges decide whether an
administrative body has used its powers in accordance with the law. The law
in this case includes both the relevant statutory regulations but also more
general principles originating from other sources, such as the Constitution
or European Union law. It is generally accepted that in such cases courts
have discretion, i.e. are able to select legal standards on which to base their
judgments and to decide how to apply such standards to the case at hand.
This does not mean, of course, that administrative court judges can do
what they please. But, within some well-established boundaries, they can
select from among various rules and principles those legal standards which
apply to the case before them, interpret their meaning, and assess their
importance. We aim to understand this process