In this research, the author presents the lived experience of a graduate student and how she has overcome the feeling of isolation and challenges in distance learning. The participant of this qualitative phenomenological study is student from Visayas State University Open University (VSU-OU). This qualitative phenomenological study (Chambers, 2013) seeks to measure the in-depth experience of a distance learner from the southern Philippines and systematically analyze the culture of distance learning in order to understand the phenomenon of isolation and be able to share in future studies. With in-depth personal interview, this study also allows readers to witness his personal stories which may validate others’ experiences who may not have an avenue to research about – hence phenomenological. It used the thematic qualitative approach in organizing the data presented in the study which involves analyzing themes and patterns she experienced in the phenomenon. It also mentions the respondent’s steps of overcoming isolation in distance education and avoiding quitting the study. And to do so, a network of connection among learners and university shall be present in order for a distance learner to succeed in the mode.