In this essay, I draw on Kant’s legal philosophy in order to defend the right to
voluntary motherhood by way of abortion at any stage of pregnancy as an essential
feature of women’s basic rights. By developing the distinction between innate and
acquired right in Kant’s legal philosophy, I argue that the viability standard in US law
(as established in Planned Parenthood v. Casey) misunderstands the nature of
embodied right. Our body is the site of innate right; it is the means through which
we can set and pursue ends in the world. The law, therefore, cannot adjudicate the
relationship between the will and the body: it cannot require us to allow our bodies
to be used against our will. By comparing unwanted pregnancy to sexual assault, I
problematize the notion that consent to pregnancy, like consent to sex, can ever be
conclusive. I examine Kant’s own account of unwanted pregnancy, in which he
describes mother and child finding themselves “in a state of nature” in order to
rethink the status of the fetus in law, and I argue that we should understand the
fetus’s right to life as provisional, rather than as enforceable by law.