This chapter explores the tripartite relationship between transgender
identities, political activism, and sonic practice. In particular, this chapter
employs theorizations of noise to explore a rupture in the prevalent binarisms
of sound and gender in the American punk scene and its aesthetics. Drawing
upon theoretical frameworks such as Herbert Marcuse’s one-dimensional
society and Jean-François Lyotard’s conception of a libidinal economy, the
sonic practices of trans-feminist artists such as GLOSS (Girls Living Outside
Society’s Shit) and the HIRS Collective are re-examined to interrogate their
capacities to initiate acts of intentional antagonism to construct new spaces for
the invisible and/or overlooked. Through such a trajectory, the intended goal
is to reveal not only such trans-feminist artists’ collective actions of political
resistance towards the modern neoliberal state, but perhaps most importantly,
the typically less examined yet far-reaching ramifications of their inherent
situatedness outside of such socio-political structures and machinery. While
such artistic practice pits itself against the increasingly one-dimensional state
of commodification in the punk genre, it also probes deeper to illuminate the
related homonormative currents which have exerted considerable effort to
flatten notions of diversity and difference within contemporary LGBTQ2S
communities. It is ultimately through this complex matrix of identity, affective
flows, and a political (dis)engagement with the dynamics of the American
punk genre that we can begin to bear witness upon a modern form of sonic
anarchism; one which fragments itself off from previous constructions yet
reveals a possibility for new formations to those previously rendered silenced,
both figuratively and literally.