Don Mills: Oxford University Press (
This is the second edition of the textbook Bioethics in Canada.
It is the most up to date bioethics textbook on the Canadian market. Twenty-nine of its 54 contributions are by Canadians.
All the chapters carried over from the first edition are revised in full (especially the chapters on obligations to the global poor, on medical assistance in dying, and on public health).
It comprises *new* chapters on emerging genetic technologies and on indigenous peoples' health.
It contains *new* case studies focusing on ethical issues and problems of relevance to Canadians.
From the Preface:
This anthology is designed for those teaching bioethics in colleges and universities in Canada. It comprises articles from researchers exploring the main problems of bioethics from a diversity of perspectives and ethical traditions. It includes in particular articles by Canadian researchers who appear in anthologies less often than they should. The hope is that the reader will, as a result, better appreciate the rich reservoir of talent present among those working in bioethics in Canada and Canadian bioethicists working abroad. In addition, this volume intentionally aims to educate the reader about the policies and laws regulating the most important and pressing bioethical problems facing Canadians. The hope is that the reader will develop a nuanced view of the nature, importance, and impact of bioethics in Canada.