Unlike other writing systems that are readily classifiable as alphabetic or syllabic in their
structure, the Indic Devanagari script (of which Hindi is an example) has properties of both
syllabic and alphabetic writing systems. Whereas Devanagari consonants are written in a linear
left-to-right order, vowel signs are positioned nonlinearly above, below, or to either side of
the consonants. This fact results in certain words in Hindi for which, in a given syllable, the
vowel precedes the consonant in writing but follows it in speech. The current research exploited
this property of the script to examine when the disparity between spatial and temporal sequenc-
ing would incur a processing cost and the implications of the findings from naming speed,
accuracy, and writing order for the level at which words in Devanagari are segmented. The
results support a partly phonemic and partly syllabic level of segmentation, consistent with
the structural hybridity of the script.