Morality is traditionally understood as comprised of two components: justice and mercy. The first
component, justice, the universal component of the form, is frequently seen as foundational for any moral
system – which poses a challenge of explaining the second component, mercy, the particular component
of content. Kantian ethics provides an example of this approach. After formulating his universalist
theory of ethics in the Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals and further developing it in the Critique
of practical reason, he attempts to use it in order to establish the morality of mercy in the Metaphysics of
morals. Yet can universal morality of justice necessitate particular ethics of mercy? Using the example of
competitive games, the relations between the ethics of justice and that of mercy are demonstrated, and it
is shown that the former does not lead to the latter. Moreover, the universality of the rules of moral
behavior can serve as a form for blatant brutality. Analyzing the characteristics of particular morality, we
can conclude that physical humanity of the moral object, perceived as such by the subject, is a required
condition for mercy. Removal of object's humanity is a necessary step toward an ethical system that
allows cruelty – a system that can still be based on universal moral rules. Bhagavad Gītā, on the other
hand, can be seen as an example of combining nīṣkāmakarma, the formal, universal ethics of desireless
action, with a variety of particular motivations originating in the nature and social context of the moral