A speculative concretized framework for understanding relativity and quantum field theory. A thermodynamic time definition with clear time arrow based on the Law of entropy increase. Abstract: Define time as a mapping of the whole universe transformations. In this definition about the whole transformations,the concept of relative time or local time is different from the time of the universe. And this definition is consistent with the most physical phenomena. The physicists of last century excluded the possibility of the existence of Electromagnetic wave conducting medium according to a series of experiments’ result, in which, speed stacking effect over the light speed was not observed. But this deduction overlooked the other possibility that the matters with masses and their movements are the wave on the Electromagnetic wave conducting medium as well. Nothing can really go through the space, light speed is the maximum conducting speed in the space,so it doesn’t exist speed stacking over the speed of light.I assume that the universe is composed of the space elementary quantum,which is the Electromagnetic wave conducting medium. And this article put forward one Definition and analysis of entropy based on space elementary quantum conception.