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  1. Empirical medical ethics.T. Hope - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):219-220.
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  • Paediatrics at the cutting edge: do we need clinical ethics committees?V. F. Larcher, B. Lask & J. M. McCarthy - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (4):245-249.
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the need for hospital clinical ethics committees by studying the frequency with which ethical dilemmas arose, the perceived adequacy of the process of their resolution, and the teaching and training of staff in medical ethics. DESIGN: Interviews with individuals and three multidisciplinary teams; questionnaire to randomly selected individuals. SETTING: Two major London children's hospitals. RESULTS: Ethical dilemmas arose frequently but were resolved in a relatively unstructured fashion. Ethical concerns included: the validity of consent for investigations and treatment; (...)
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  • Teaching medical ethics to experienced staff: participants, teachers and method.T. Nilstun - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):409-412.
    Almost all articles on education in medical ethics present proposals for or describe experiences of teaching students in different health professions. Since experienced staff also need such education, the purpose of this paper is to exemplify and discuss educational approaches that may be used after graduation. As an example we describe the experiences with a five-day European residential course on ethics for neonatal intensive care personnel. In this multidisciplinary course, using a case-based approach, the aim was to enhance the participants' (...)
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  • Teaching ethics using small-group, problem-based learning.J. W. Tysinger, L. K. Klonis, J. Z. Sadler & J. M. Wagner - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (5):315-318.
    Ethics is the emphasis of our first-year Introduction to Clinical Medicine-1 course. Introduction to Clinical Medicine-1 uses problem-based learning to involve groups of seven to nine students and two facilitators in realistic clinical cases. The cases emphasize ethics, but also include human behaviour, basic science, clinical medicine, and prevention learning issues. Three cases use written vignettes, while the other three cases feature standardized patients. Groups meet twice for each case. In session one, students read the case introduction, obtain data from (...)
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  • That's another story: narrative methods and ethical practice.Alex M. Carson - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):198-202.
    This paper examines the use of case studies in ethics education. While not dismissing their value for specific purposes, the paper shows the limits of their use. While agreeing that case studies are narratives, although rather thin stories, the paper argues that the claim that case studies could represent reality is difficult to sustain. Instead, the paper suggests a way of using stories in ethics teaching that could be more real for students, while also giving them a way of thinking (...)
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  • Choices without reasons: citizens' juries and policy evaluation.D. Price - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (4):272-276.
    Citizens' juries are commended as a new technique for democratising health service reviews. Their usefulness is said to derive from a reliance on citizens' rational deliberation rather than on the immediate preferences of the consumer. The author questions the assertion of critical detachment and asks whether juries do in fact employ reason as a means of resolving fundamental disagreements about service provision. He shows that juries promote not so much a critically detached point of view as a particular evaluative framework (...)
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  • Power and the teaching of medical ethics.B. Nicholas - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):507-513.
    This paper argues that ethics education needs to become more reflective about its social and political ethic as it participates in the construction and transmission of medical ethics. It argues for a critical approach to medical ethics and explores the political context in medical schools and some of the peculiar problems in medical ethics education.
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  • Teaching old dogs new tricks--a personal perspective on a decade of efforts by a clinical ethics committee to promote awareness of medical ethics.M. G. Tweeddale - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (90001):41i-43.
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