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  1. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Paul Rabinow - 1982 - Chicago: Routledge. Edited by Paul Rabinow & Michel Foucault.
    This book is the first to provide a sustained, coherent analysis of Foucault's work as a whole. To demonstrate the sense in which Foucault's work is beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, the authors unfold a careful, analytical exposition of his oeuvre. They argue that during the of Foucault's work became a sustained and largely successful effort to develop a new method - "interpretative analytics" - capable of explaining both the logic of structuralism's claim to be an objective science and the apparent (...)
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  • The Foucault Reader.Michel Foucault - 1984 - Vintage.
    Michael Foucault's writing has shaped the teaching of half a dozen disciplines, ranging from literary criticism to the history of criminology. But none of his books offers a satisfactory introduction to the entire complex body of his work. The Foucault Reader precisely serves that purpose. It contains selections from each area of Foucault's thought, a wealth of previously unpublished writings, and an interview with Foucault during which he discusses his philosophy with unprecedented candor.
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  • Espacio, Saber y Poder.Michel Foucault - 1984 - In The Foucault Reader. Vintage.
    “ S pace, K no w l edge and P o w e r ” , en tr ev i s t a r ea l i z a d a en 1982 y pub li cada en P aul R ab i no w , The Foucau l t R eade r , N ueva Y o r k, 1984. A quí se pub li ca de acue r do a l a ve r s i ón f r (...)
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  • The Order of Things, an Archaeology of the Human Sciences.Michel Foucault - 1970 - Science and Society 35 (4):490-494.
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  • Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action.Pierre Bourdieu - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    This work by Pierre Bourdieu develops the anthropological theory which has formed the basis of his scientific research. It discusses the problems posed by "structuralist" philosophers in order to solve or dissolve them.
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  • Discourse analysis as a methodology for nursing inquiry.Penny Powers - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (4):207-217.
    Discourse analysis is a relatively recent form of inquiry without a strict step‐by‐step method. The methodology of discourse analysis has a longer history in Continental Europe than in other countries.1 The complex theoretical assumptions, the goals and the target (discourse) have been explicated, but the methodology may be applied in different ways. This paper will describe discourse analysis and give examples of some of the possible variations. It is the claim of this paper that discourse analysis deserves consideration as a (...)
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  • Nursing scholars appropriating new methods: the use of discourse analysis in scholarly nursing journals 1996-2003.Niels Buus - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):27-33.
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  • Reading nursing history.Sioban Nelson - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (4):229-236.
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  • Critical discourse analysis for nursing research.Jennifer L. Smith - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):60-70.
    Critical discourse analysis is a useful and productive qualitative methodology but has been underutilized within nursing research. In order to redress this deficiency the research presented in this article represents an exploration of the way in which critical discourse analysis may be applied to the analysis of public debates around policy for nursing practice. In this article the author discusses the history of the application of critical discourse analysis and provides an example of its application to the debate around the (...)
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  • Tangled ruptures: discursive changes in Danish psychiatric nursing 1965–75.Niels Buus - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (4):246-253.
    Tangled ruptures: discursive changes in Danish psychiatric nursing 1965–75Psychiatric nursing and psychiatric nurses have been referred to in various ways over the course of history. These articulations reflect and constitute the ways in which nursing is comprehended during specific periods. A rupture in these descriptions and conceptions of Danish psychiatric nursing over the period 1965–75 is identified using a discourse analytical framework, inspired primarily by Foucault. This rupture influenced all aspects of psychiatric nursing: the perception of the psychiatric patient, the (...)
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  • Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow. [REVIEW]Ian Hacking - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (5):273-277.
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