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Practising Critique, Attending to Truth: The pedagogy of discriminatory speech.Valerie Harwood & Mary Lou Rasmussen - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (8):874-884.details
Review essay of Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy by Ladelle McWhorter and The Faces of Intellectual Disability: Philosophical Reflections by Licia Carlson. [REVIEW]Shelley Tremain - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):440-445.details
Bearing the lightning of possible storms: Foucault’s experimental social criticism. [REVIEW]Zach VanderVeen - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (4):467-484.details
The Product of Text and 'Other' Statements: Discourse analysis and the critical use of Foucault.Linda J. Graham - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):663-674.details
The Causal Power of Discourse.Dave Elder-Vass - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):143-160.details
Phenomenal Time and its Biological Correlates.Ram L. P. Vimal & Christopher J. Davia - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research 1 (5):560-572.details
Power/Knowledge for Educational Theory: Stephen Ball and the Reception of Foucault.Chia-Ling Wang - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (1):141-156.details
Nursing as ‘disobedient’ practice: care of the nurse's self, parrhesia, and the dismantling of a baseless paradox.Amélie Perron - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (3):154-167.details
Foucault, the author, and the discourse.Hans Sluga - 1985 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 28 (1-4):403 – 415.details
The many encounters of Thomas Kuhn and French epistemology.Simons Massimiliano - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 61:41-50.details
Mind-Forged Manacles and Habits of the Soul: Foucault’s Debt to Heidegger.Peter Lucas - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (3):310-328.details
Cultural Politics and the Practice of Fugitive Theory.Samuel A. Chambers - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (1):9-32.details
Deleuze and Foucault on desire and power.Simone Bignall - 2008 - Angelaki 13 (1):127 – 147.details
(1 other version)Phenomenology.Dan Zahavi - manuscriptdetails
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Human dispossession and human enhancement.Jason Scott Robert - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):27 – 29.details
Michel Foucault: Liberation, freedom, education.James D. Marshall - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (4):413–418.details
On visibility and power: An Arendtian corrective of Foucault. [REVIEW]Neve Gordon - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (2):125-145.details
Foucault, Butler, and the body.David Dudrick - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):226–246.details
Putting Foucault to work in educational research.Dan W. Butin - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (3):371–380.details
Reproductive freedom, self-regulation, and the government of impairment in utero.Shelley Tremain - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (1):35-53.details
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An analysis of the development of adolescent and young adult cancer care in the United Kingdom: A Foucauldian perspective.Maria Cable & Daniel Kelly - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12272.details
“The discontinuity in the continuity”. Michel Foucault and the archaeological period.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2018 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 23 (1).details
Post-sovereign power and leadership.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):158-179.details
Against prophecy and utopia.Mark G. E. Kelly - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 120 (1):104-118.details
Agonistic Pluralism and Stakeholder Engagement.Cedric Dawkins - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):1-28.details
Discursive construction and negotiation of laity on an online health forum.Antoinette Fage-Butler & Patrizia Anesa - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):196-216.details
Waking Up and Growing Up: Two Forms of Human Development.Blaine Snow - manuscriptdetails
Foucault's Overlooked Organisation - Revisiting his Critical Works.Michela Betta - 2015 - Culture Theory and Critique:1-23.details
Emancipation as a Three‐Dimensional Process for the Twenty‐First Century.Diana Coole - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):530-546.details
Feminist epistemology and Foucault.Katarina Loncarevic - unknowndetails
A New Algorithmic Identity.John Cheney-Lippold - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (6):164-181.details
Dreaming and Time in Foucault's Philosophy.Vikki Bell - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (2):151-163.details
Ludwig Klages (1872-1956) and the Origins of Critical Theory.Georg Stauth & Bryan S. Turner - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (3):45-63.details
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Foucault's Third Theoretical Displacement: Technology of the Self.Alex Callinicos - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (3):171-177.details
The archaeology and genealogy of mentorship in E nglish nursing.John Fulton - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):39-49.details
Foucault, the subject and the research interview: a critique of methods.Joanna K. Fadyl & David A. Nicholls - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (1):23-29.details
Normal Compassion: A Framework for Compassionate Decision Making.Ace Volkmann Simpson, Stewart Clegg & Tyrone Pitsis - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):473-491.details
Ruptured thought: rupture as a critical attitude to nursing research.Kirsten Beedholm, Kirsten Lomborg & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (2):102-111.details
Narrating the modern’s subjection: Freud’s theory of the Oedipal complex.Eyal Chowers - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (3):23-45.details
Liberal conduct.Duncan Ivison - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (3):25-59.details
Does reflexivity separate the human sciences from the natural sciences?Roger Smith - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (4):1-25.details
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Reclaiming Agency, Recovering Change? An Exploration of the Practice Theory of Theodore Schatzki.Raymond Caldwell - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):283-303.details
Sexuality and Parrhesia in the Phenomenology of Psychological Development: The Flesh of Human Communicative Embodiment and the Game of Intimacy.Frank J. Macke - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):157-180.details
(1 other version)Nietzsche and Genealogy.Raymond Geuss - 1994 - European Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):274-292.details