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Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code.Andrea Tagarelli & Andrea Simeri - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (3):417-473.details
Detecting and explaining unfairness in consumer contracts through memory networks.Federico Ruggeri, Francesca Lagioia, Marco Lippi & Paolo Torroni - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (1):59-92.details
Using machine learning to predict decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.Masha Medvedeva, Michel Vols & Martijn Wieling - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (2):237-266.details
Recurrent neural network-based models for recognizing requisite and effectuation parts in legal texts.Truong-Son Nguyen, Le-Minh Nguyen, Satoshi Tojo, Ken Satoh & Akira Shimazu - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (2):169-199.details
A hybrid rule – neural approach for the automation of legal reasoning in the discretionary domain of family law in australia.Andrew Stranieri, John Zeleznikow, Mark Gawler & Bryn Lewis - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (2-3):153-183.details
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Automatically classifying case texts and predicting outcomes.Kevin D. Ashley & Stefanie Brüninghaus - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 17 (2):125-165.details
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Automated patent landscaping.Aaron Abood & Dave Feltenberger - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (2):103-125.details
Eunomos, a legal document and knowledge management system for the Web to provide relevant, reliable and up-to-date information on the law.Guido Boella, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Livio Robaldo, Piercarlo Rossi & Leendert van der Torre - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 24 (3):245-283.details
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Isomorphism and legal knowledge based systems.T. J. M. Bench-Capon & F. P. Coenen - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 1 (1):65-86.details
A description logic framework for advanced accessing and reasoning over normative provisions.Enrico Francesconi - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (3):291-311.details