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  1. The Politics of Stakeholder Theory.R. Edward Freeman - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (4):409-421.
    The purpose of this paper is to enter the conversation about stakeholder theory with the goal of clarifying certain foundational issues. I want to show, along with Boatright, that there is no stakeholder paradox, and that the principle on which such a paradox is built, the Separation Thesis, is nicely self-serving to business and ethics academics. If we give up such a thesis we find there is no stakeholder theory but that stakeholder theory becomes a genre that is quite rich. (...)
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  • The Evolution of Cooperation.Robert M. Axelrod - 1984 - Basic Books.
    The 'Evolution of Cooperation' addresses a simple yet age-old question; If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? Despite the abundant evidence of cooperation all around us, there existed no purely naturalistic answer to this question until 1979, when Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoner's Dilemma. To everyone's surprise, the program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most "cooperative" entrant. (...)
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  • A behavioral model of ethical and unethical decision making.Michael Bommer, Clarence Gratto, Jerry Gravander & Mark Tuttle - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (4):265 - 280.
    A model is developed which identifies and describes various factors which affect ethical and unethical behavior in organizations, including a decision-maker's social, government and legal, work, professional and personal environments. The effect of individual decision maker attributes on the decision process is also discussed. The model links these influences with ethical and unethical behavior via the mediating structure of the individual's decision-making process.
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  • Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization.Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz, Kenneth Arrow, Richard Edwards, Herbert Gintis & Michael C. Jensen - 1983 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 12 (4):354-368.
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  • Organizational ethical standards and organizational commitment.Janie M. Harden Fritz, Ronald C. Arnett & Michele Conkel - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (4):289 - 299.
    Organizations interested in employee ethics compliance face the problem of conflict between employee and organizational ethical standards. Socializing new employees is one way of assuring compliance. Important for longer term employees as well as new ones, however, is making those standards visible and then operable in the daily life of an organization. This study, conducted in one large organization, found that, depending on organizational level, awareness of an organization's ethical standards is predicted by managerial adherence to and organizational compliance with (...)
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  • The ethical behavior of retail managers.John Paul Fraedrich - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (3):207 - 218.
    A measure of ethics termed ethical behavior (EB) is postulated and tested across the moral philosophy types of managers. The findings suggest that certain managers, classified as rule deontologists, appear to rank higher on the EB scale than any other philosophy type tested.
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  • The Ethical Backlash of Corporate Branding.Guido Palazzo & Kunal Basu - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):333-346.
    Past decades have witnessed the growing success of branding as a corporate activity as well as a rise in anti-brand activism. While appearing to be contradictory, both trends have emerged from common sources – the transition from industrial to post-industrial society, and the advent of globalization – the examination of which might lead to a socially grounded understanding of why brand success in the future is likely to demand more than superior product performance, placing increasing demand on corporations with regard (...)
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  • The nature of ethics codes in franchise associations around the globe.John F. Preble & Richard C. Hoffman - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (3):239 - 253.
    The worldwide growth of franchising has been phenomenal during the past decade. At the same time there has been increased media attention to questionable business practices in franchising. Similar to some trade associations and professions, franchising has sought self-regulation by developing codes of conduct or ethics. This study examines the codes of ethics covering franchising activities in 21 countries. The results reveal that there is considerable variation in the activities/issues covered by the codes. Specifically, the codes cover most stages of (...)
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  • Power and values in corporate life.David R. Hiley - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (5):343 - 353.
    The role of power and its relation to values has become a topic of growing interest in business ethics as well as in the literature of management and the sociology of organizations. Though there is more interest in the role and potential for abuse of power in corporations, the concept of power drawn from classical political theory and initial behavioral studies of power in organizations is inadequate for understanding the place, complexity and ethics of power in the corporation. Analyses of (...)
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  • Ethics and services marketing.Ellen J. Kennedy & Leigh Lawton - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (10):785 - 795.
    The area of services marketing is a highly crucial one for potential ethical violations. The services industry, which drives over two-thirds of our national economy, is about to experience severe changes due to increasing competition. The temptation to make ethical compromises will pose a dramatic threat to the business climate.We review conceptual approaches to the field of marketing ethics and conclude that existing models often lack an important component which affects ethical decision-making. That component includes the interorganizational variables: the primary (...)
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  • Ethics in personal selling and sales management: A review of the literature focusing on empirical findings and conceptual foundations. [REVIEW]Nicholas McClaren - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):285 - 303.
    Research into the ethics of personal selling and sales management has continued to increase in volume and importance. Because there is now a diversity of opinions and findings in this literature, an assessment of the status of existing knowledge is needed to provide focus and clarity. There have been no comprehensive reviews of the studies of ethics and salespeople, sales managers or sales management, despite recent attention from researchers, practitioners and the general public. The purpose of this review is to (...)
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  • From an implicit Christian corporate culture to a structured conception of corporate ethical responsibility in a retail company: A case-study in hermeneutic ethics. [REVIEW]Geert Demuijnck - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (S3):387-404.
    This article presents a qualitative research about the way in which business leaders of a retail company gradually clarify the ethical responsibilities of their company – in an ongoing discussion of particular cases. It is based on 12 years of experience as an external member of the ethics committee. The aim of the article is not so much as to evaluate the different single decisions that were made and implemented to make the company meet high ethical standards, but rather to (...)
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  • The hunt–vitell general theoryof marketing ethics: Can it enhance our understanding of principal-agent relationships in channels of distribution? [REVIEW]Leslie J. Vermillion, Walfried M. Lassar & Robert D. Winsor - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (3):267 - 285.
    This paper advances the Hunt–Vitell General Theory of Marketing Ethics as a framework for enriching current understanding of both long-term marketing relationships in general, and principal-agent associations specifically. Under economic models of agency theory, manufacturer-distributor relationships are conceptualized as principal-agent associations where both parties are assumed be motivated exclusively by short-term financial self-interest within the logical constraints of zero-sum game conditions. As a general model of ethical decision making and behavior in marketing, the Hunt–Vitell theory illustrates how ethical decisions are (...)
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