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  1. (5 other versions)Principles of biomedical ethics.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by James F. Childress.
    Over the course of its first seven editions, Principles of Biomedical Ethics has proved to be, globally, the most widely used, authored work in biomedical ethics. It is unique in being a book in bioethics used in numerous disciplines for purposes of instruction in bioethics. Its framework of moral principles is authoritative for many professional associations and biomedical institutions-for instruction in both clinical ethics and research ethics. It has been widely used in several disciplines for purposes of teaching in the (...)
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  • (1 other version)After virtue: a study in moral theory.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 2007 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This classic and controversial book examines the roots of the idea of virtue, diagnoses the reasons for its absence in modern life, and proposes a path for its recovery.
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  • A theory of human motivation.A. H. Maslow - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (4):370-396.
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  • Wide reflective equilibrium and theory acceptance in ethics.Norman Daniels - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (5):256-282.
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  • Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Is liberal democracy appropriate for East Asia? In this provocative book, Daniel Bell argues for morally legitimate alternatives to Western-style liberal democracy in the region. Beyond Liberal Democracy, which continues the author's influential earlier work, is divided into three parts that correspond to the three main hallmarks of liberal democracy--human rights, democracy, and capitalism. These features have been modified substantially during their transmission to East Asian societies that have been shaped by nonliberal practices and values. Bell points to the dangers (...)
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  • Ethics needs principles—four can encompass the rest—and respect for autonomy should be “first among equals”.R. Gillon - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):307-312.
    It is hypothesised and argued that “the four principles of medical ethics” can explain and justify, alone or in combination, all the substantive and universalisable claims of medical ethics and probably of ethics more generally. A request is renewed for falsification of this hypothesis showing reason to reject any one of the principles or to require any additional principle(s) that can’t be explained by one or some combination of the four principles. This approach is argued to be compatible with a (...)
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  • The Value of Life: An Introduction to Medical Ethics.John Harris - 1985 - Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • A Theory of Human Need.Len Doyal, Ian Gough, Manfred Max-Neef, Antonio Elizalde & Martin Hopenhayn - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (1):83-86.
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  • Autonomy in medical ethics after O'Neill.G. M. Stirrat - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (3):127-130.
    Next SectionFollowing the influential Gifford and Reith lectures by Onora O’Neill, this paper explores further the paradigm of individual autonomy which has been so dominant in bioethics until recently and concurs that it is an aberrant application and that conceptions of individual autonomy cannot provide a sufficient and convincing starting point for ethics within medical practice. We suggest that revision of the operational definition of patient autonomy is required for the twenty first century. We follow O’Neill in recommending a principled (...)
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  • Consent and end of life decisions.John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1):10-15.
    This paper discusses the role of consent in decision making generally and its role in end of life decisions in particular. It outlines a conception of autonomy which explains and justifies the role of consent in decision making and criticises some misapplications of the idea of consent, particular the role of fictitious or “proxy” consents.Where the inevitable outcome of a decision must be that a human individual will die and where that individual is a person who can consent, then that (...)
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  • Communitarianism.Daniel Bell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Value Theory and the Best Interests Standard1.David Degrazia - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (1):50-61.
    The idea of a patient's best interests raises issues in prudential value theory–the study of what makes up an individual's ultimate (nonmoral) good or well‐being. While this connection may strike a philosopher as obvious, the literature on the best interests standard reveals almost no engagement of recent work in value theory. There seems to be a growing sentiment among bioethicists that their work is independent of philosophical theorizing. Is this sentiment wrong in the present case? Does value theory make a (...)
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  • Informed consent: Autonomy and self-ownership.David Archard - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):19–34.
    Using the example of an unconsented mouth swab I criticise the view that an action of this kind taken in itself is wrongful in respect of its being a violation of autonomy. This is so much inasmuch as autonomy merits respect only with regard to ‘critical life choices’. I consider the view that such an action is nevertheless harmful or risks serious harm. I also respond to two possible suggestions: that the action is of a kind that violates autonomy; and, (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Ethics Toolkit: A Compendium of Ethical Concepts and Methods.Julian Baggini & Peter S. Fosl - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Peter S. Fosl.
    _The Ethics Toolkit_ provides an accessible and engaging compendium of concepts, theories, and strategies that encourage students and advanced readers to think critically about ethics so that they can engage intelligently in ethical study, thought, and debate. Written by the authors of the popular _The Philosophers’ Toolkit_ ; Baggini is also a renowned print and broadcast journalist, and a prolific author of popular philosophy books Uses clear and accessible language appropriate for use both inside and beyond the classroom Enlivened through (...)
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  • Needs, need, needing.D. Wiggins & S. Dermen - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (2):62-68.
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  • A Care Perspective on Coercian and Autonomy.Marian Verkerk - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (3-4):358-368.
    In the Netherlands there is a growing debate over the possibility of introducting ‘compassionate interference’ as a form of good psychiatric care. Instead of respecting the autonomy of the patient by adopting an attitude of non‐interference, professional carers should take a more active and commited role. There was a great deal of hostile reaction to this suggestion, the most commonly voiced criticism being that it smacked of ‘modern paternalism’. Still, the current conception of care leaves us with a paradox. On (...)
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  • Proxy consent: moral authority misconceived.A. Wrigley - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):527-531.
    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 has provided unified scope in the British medical system for proxy consent with regard to medical decisions, in the form of a lasting power of attorney. While the intentions are to increase the autonomous decision making powers of those unable to consent, the author of this paper argues that the whole notion of proxy consent collapses into a paternalistic judgement regarding the other person’s best interests and that the new legislation introduces only an advisor, not (...)
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  • John Stuart mill.Fred Wilson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Death and best interests.Paul Baines - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (4):171-175.
    I will consider how we can assess the interests of critically ill children who will survive only while aggressive medical support is continued. If aggressive medical support is withdrawn, the child will die shortly afterwards. This is important because when the courts are asked to decide treatments, the standard is that decisions should be made in the best interests of the child. My claim is that this is not a coherent way to consider how some children in this situation should (...)
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  • Nursing involvement in euthanasia: a ‘nursing‐as‐healing‐praxis’ approach.Helen McCabe - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (3):176-186.
    In an earlier article, it was found that the terms of preference utilitarianism are insufficiently sound for guiding nursing activity in general, including in relation to nursing involvement in euthanasia. In this article, I shall examine the terms of a more traditional philosophical approach in order to determine the moral legitimacy, or otherwise, of nursing engagement in measures intended to end the lives of patients. In attempting this task, nursing practice is considered in light of what I shall call a (...)
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  • What limits, if any, should be placed on a parent's right to consent and/or refuse to consent to medical treatment for their child?Giles Birchley - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (4):280-285.
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  • Children, best interests and the courts: a response to Bridgeman.Barry Lyons - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (4):188-194.
    In the context of critically ill children, Baines contended that the best interests test was neither objective nor coherent, and thus of little applicability in making end-of-life decisions. In reply, Bridgeman attempted to refute these claims through legal analysis and contended that the doctrine allowed for responsive, fact-specific, context-sensitive and prudential reasoning. This paper is a response to Bridgeman, and argues that an examination of case law reveals the subjective and value-laden nature of the test. Courts must make decisions in (...)
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  • Keyholders and flak jackets: the method in the madness of mixed metaphors.A. Maclean - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (3):121-126.
    The law in England allows that both parents and competent minors concurrently have the right to consent to medical treatment of the minor. This means that while competent minors may consent to treatment their refusal of consent does not act as an effective veto of treatment and treatment remains lawful if given with parental consent. This approach has been heavily criticized as inconsistent with the House of Lords decision in the Gillick case and damned as ‘palpable nonsense’. In this article, (...)
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  • 4. The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights NGOs: Reflections on Dialogues between Practitioners and Theorists.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 84-118.
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