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  1. States of knowledge: the co-production of science and social order.Sheila Jasanoff (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    In the past twenty years, the field of science and technology studies (S&TS) has made considerable progress toward illuminating the relationship between scientific knowledge and political power. These insights have not yet been synthesized or presented in a form that systematically highlights the connections between S&TS and other social sciences. This timely collection of essays by some of the leading scholars in the field attempts to fill that gap. The book develops the theme of "co-production", showing how scientific knowledge both (...)
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  • Theorizing the Bioeconomy: Biovalue, Biocapital, Bioeconomics or... What?David Tyfield & Kean Birch - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):299-327.
    In the policy discourses of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and European Commission, modern biotechnology and the life sciences are represented as an emerging “bioeconomy” in which the latent value underpinning biological materials and products offers the opportunity for sustainable economic growth. This articulation of modern biotechnology and economic development is an emerging scholarly field producing numerous “bio-concepts.” Over the last decade or so, there have been a number of attempts to theorize this relationship between biotechnologies and their (...)
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  • The economics of science: a critical realist overview.David Tyfield - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction -- The commercialisation of science and the construction of the knowledge-based bio-economy -- The KBBE reality--the case of agriculture -- Intellectual property rights and the global commodification of knowledge -- Privatizing Chinese science : national development vs. neoliberal financialization -- Critical realism and the importance of ontological attention -- Critical realism and beyond in economics -- The realist transcendental argument.
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  • A Cultural Political Economy of Research and Innovation in an Age of Crisis.David Tyfield - 2012 - Minerva 50 (2):149-167.
    Science and technology policy is both faced by unprecedented challenges and itself undergoing seismic shifts. First, policy is increasingly demanding of science that it fixes a set of epochal and global crises. On the other hand, practices of scientific research are changing rapidly regarding geographical dispersion, the institutions and identities of those involved and its forms of knowledge production and circulation. Furthermore, these changes are accelerated by the current upheavals in public funding of research, higher education and technology development in (...)
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  • Knowledge and valuation in markets.Patrik Aspers - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (2):111-131.
    The purpose of this theoretical article is to contribute to the analysis of knowledge and valuation in markets. In every market actors must know how to value its products. The analytical point of departure is the distinction between two ideal types of markets that are mutually exclusive, status and standard. In a status market, valuation is a function of the status rank orders or identities of the actors on both sides of the market, which is more entrenched than the value (...)
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  • The Neoliberal Underpinnings of the Bioeconomy: the Ideological Discourses and Practices of Economic Competitiveness.Kean Birch - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3):1-15.
    When we talk about ideology and new genetics we tend to think of concepts like geneticisation and genetic essentialism, which present genetics and biology in deterministic terms. However, the aim of this article is to consider how a particular economic ideology - neoliberalism - has affected the bioeconomy rather than assuming that it is the inherent qualities of biotechnology that determine market value. In order to do this, the paper focuses on the discourses and practices of economic competitiveness that pervade (...)
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  • Science and neoliberal globalization: a political sociological approach. [REVIEW]Kelly Moore, Daniel Lee Kleinman, David Hess & Scott Frickel - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):505-532.
    The political ideology of neoliberalism is widely recognized as having influenced the organization of national and global economies and public policies since the 1970s. In this article, we examine the relationship between the neoliberal variant of globalization and science. To do so, we develop a framework for sociology of science that emphasizes closer ties among political sociology, the sociology of social movements, and economic and organizational sociology and that draws attention to patterns of increasing and uneven industrial influence amid several (...)
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  • Against Free Markets, Against Science? Regulating the Socio-Economic Effects of Biotechnology.Abby Kinchy, Daniel Lee Kleinman & Robyn Autry - 2008 - Rural Sociology 73 (2):147-79.
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  • Partisan Scholarship in Technoscientific Controversies : Reflections on Research Experience.Vasilis Galis & Anders Hansson - unknown
    Several academic traditions have addressed epistemological objectivity and/or partisanship in the study of technoscientific controversies. On the one hand, positivist andrelativist scholars agree that the political commitments of the social researcher should notimpinge on scientific enquiry, while on the other hand, feminist and Marxist scholars notonly take stands in diverse technoscientific debates, but even claim their agendas to bemore credible than those of orthodox scientists. Such perspectives stress that all researchis partisan in one way or another because it involves questions (...)
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