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  1. (1 other version)Brain Systems that Mediate both Emotion and Cognition.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (3):269-288.
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  • Ethical Leader Behavior and Big Five Factors of Personality.Karianne Kalshoven, Deanne N. Den Hartog & Annebel H. B. De Hoogh - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):349 - 366.
    Most research on ethical leadership to date investigates the consequences of ethical leadership rather than its antecedents. Here, we aim to contribute to this field by studying leader personality as a potential antecedent of ethical leader behavior. In two multisource studies, we investigated the relationships between personality traits and ethical leader behavior. Leader personality was measured through self-ratings using the five-factor personality framework. Two subordinates rated their leaders' ethical behavior. Study 1 used a unidimensional Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS). In study (...)
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  • Moral development in the professions: psychology and applied ethics.James R. Rest & Darcia Narváez (eds.) - 1994 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    Every year in this country, some 10,000 college and university courses are taught in applied ethics. And many professional organizations now have their own codes of ethics. Yet social science has had little impact upon applied ethics. This book promises to change that trend by illustrating how social science can make a contribution to applied ethics. The text reports psychological studies relevant to applied ethics for many professionals, including accountants, college students and teachers, counselors, dentists, doctors, journalists, nurses, school teachers, (...)
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  • Toward the development of a multidimensional scale for improving evaluations of business ethics.R. E. Reidenbach & D. P. Robin - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (8):639 - 653.
    This study represents an improvement in the ethics scales inventory published in a 1988 Journal of Business Ethics article. The article presents the distillation and validation process whereby the original 33 item inventory was reduced to eight items. These eight items comprise the following ethical dimensions: a moral equity dimension, a relativism dimension, and a contractualism dimension. The multidimensional ethics scale demonstrates significant predictive ability.
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  • A review of empirical studies assessing ethical decision making in business. [REVIEW]Terry W. Loe, Linda Ferrell & Phylis Mansfield - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):185 - 204.
    This article summarizes the multitude of empirical studies that test ethical decision making in business and suggests additional research necessary to further theory in this area. The studies are categorized and related to current theoretical ethical decision making models. The studies are related to awareness, individual and organizational factors, intent, and the role of moral intensity in ethical decision making. Summary tables provide a quick reference for the sample, findings, and publication outlet. This review provides insights for understanding organizational ethical (...)
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  • Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. [REVIEW]Robert C. Ford & Woodrow D. Richardson - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (3):205 - 221.
    The authors review the empirical literature in order to assess which variables are postulated as influencing ethical beliefs and decision making. The variables are divided into those unique to the individual decision maker and those considered situational in nature. Variables related to an individual decision maker examined in this review are nationality, religion, sex, age, education, employment, and personality. Situation specific variables examined in this review are referent groups, rewards and sanctions, codes of conduct, type of ethical conflict, organization effects, (...)
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  • The Quest to improve the human condition: The first 1 500 articles published in journal of business ethics. [REVIEW]Denis Collins - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (1):1 - 73.
    In 1999, the Journal of Business Ethics published its 1 500th article. This article commemorates the journal's quest "to improve the human condition" (Michalos, 1988, p. 1) with a summary and assessment of the first eighteen volumes. The first part provides an overview of JBE, highlighting the journal's growth, types of methodologies published, and the breadth of the field. The second part provides a detailed account of the quantitative research findings. Major research topics include (1) prevalence of ethical behavior, (2) (...)
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  • Examining the Decision Process of Students' Cheating Behavior: An Empirical Study.Richard Bernardi, Rene Metzger, Ryann Scofield Bruno, Marisa Wade Hoogkamp, Lillian Reyes & Gary Barnaby - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (4):397-414.
    This research examines the association between attitudes on cheating and cognitive moral development. In this research, we use Rest's (1979a) Defining Issues Test, the Attitudes on Honesty Scale (Authors) and Academic Integrity Index (Authors); the last two are adaptations of the DIT. A total of 220 students from three universities participated in the study (66 psychology majors and 154 business majors). The data indicate that 66.4 percent of the students reported that they cheated in high school, college, or both high (...)
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  • Intelligence Vs. Wisdom: The Love of Money, Machiavellianism, and Unethical Behavior across College Major and Gender.Thomas Li-Ping Tang & Yuh-Jia Chen - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):1-26.
    This research investigates the efficacy of business ethics intervention, tests a theoretical model that the love of money is directly or indirectly related to propensity to engage in unethical behavior (PUB), and treats college major (business vs. psychology) and gender (male vs. female) as moderators in multi-group analyses. Results suggested that business students who received business ethics intervention significantly changed their conceptions of unethical behavior and reduced their propensity to engage in theft; while psychology students without intervention had no such (...)
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  • Ethical Orientation and Awareness of Tourism Students.Simon Hudson & Graham Miller - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (4):383-396.
    The tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the world, and despite recent events that have made its operating environment more complex, the industry continues to grow [Theobald, 2005, Global Tourism, 3rd edn., Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier]. Commensurate to the size of the industry is a growth in the number of students pursuing degree courses in tourism around the world. Despite an increasingly sophisticated literature, the relative recency of the industry and its study has meant little attention has been paid in (...)
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  • Making Sense of the Research on Gender and Ethics in Business.Laurie Babin - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):61-90.
    This article represents an attempt to organize, critique, and extend research findings on gender differences in business ethics. The focus is on two dependent variables—ethical judgment and behavioral intent. Differences in findings between student and professional groups are noted and theoretical implications are discussed. The new research provided for this article contains two benchmark studies undertaken with identical stimuli and identical measures. These studies were followed by two additional studies, using the same measures but different stimuli, as a partial replication (...)
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  • The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Ethical Judgment of Managers.John Angelidis & Nabil A. Ibrahim - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):111-119.
    In recent years there has been a substantial amount of research on emotional intelligence (EI) across a wide range of disciplines. Also, this term has been receiving increasing attention in the popular business press. This article extends previous research by seeking to determine whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and ethical judgment among practicing managers with respect to questions of ethical nature that can arise in their professional activity. It analyzes the results of a survey of 324 managers (...)
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  • Is Classroom Cheating Related to Business Students' Propensity to Cheat in the "Real World"?Raef A. Lawson - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (2):189-199.
    Previous studies have reportedstudents' widely held belief that they are moreethical than businessmen. On the other hand,widespread cheating among college students hasbeen reported. This paper examines thisinconsistency between the beliefs of collegestudent regarding the need for ethical behaviorin a business setting and their actions in anacademic setting.The results of this study indicate that whilestudents are generally upset with cheating intheir class, a large proportion of themnonetheless engage in such behavior. It wasfurther found that students have a goodunderstanding of what constitutes (...)
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  • Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Other Factors on Perception of Ethical Behavior of Peers.Jacob Joseph, Kevin Berry & Satish P. Deshpande - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):539-546.
    This study investigates factors impacting perceptions of ethical conduct of peers of 293 students in four US universities. Self-reported ethical behavior and recognition of emotions in others (a dimension of emotional intelligence) impacted perception of ethical behavior of peers. None of the other dimensions of emotional intelligence were significant. Age, Race, Sex, GPA, or type of major (business versus nonbusiness) did not impact perception of ethical behavior of peers. Implications of the results of the study for business schools and industry (...)
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  • Academic Integrity: The Relationship between Individual and Situational Factors on Misconduct Contemplations.Jennifer L. Kisamore, Thomas H. Stone & I. M. Jawahar - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (4):381-394.
    Recent, well-publicized scandals, involving unethical conduct have rekindled interest in academic misconduct. Prior studies of academic misconduct have focussed exclusively on situational factors (e.g., integrity culture, honor codes), demographic variables or personality constructs. We contend that it is important to also examine how␣these classes of variables interact to influence perceptions of and intentions relating to academic misconduct. In a sample of 217 business students, we examined how integrity culture interacts with Prudence and Adjustment to explain variance in estimated frequency of (...)
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  • Ethical or practical: An empirical study of students' choices in simulated business scenarios. [REVIEW]Charles S. White & Robert S. Dooley - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):643 - 651.
    Graduate and undergraduate students were asked to evaluate the ethicality and practicality of the lead character in several case scenarios. Students' responses indicated they believed practicality was more important than ethicality. The majority of students were able to determine the correct ethicality of the cases presented to them. The authors conclude that more research is needed in the antecedents of a student's value system.
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  • Examining the decision process of students' cheating behavior: An empirical study. [REVIEW]Richard A. Bernardi, Rene L. Metzger, Ryann G. Scofield Bruno, Marisa A. Wade Hoogkamp, Lillian E. Reyes & Gary H. Barnaby - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (4):397-414.
    This research examines the association between attitudes on cheating and cognitive moral development. In this research, we use Rest's (1979a) Defining Issues Test, the Attitudes on Honesty Scale (Authors) and Academic Integrity Index (Authors); the last two are adaptations of the DIT. A total of 220 students from three universities participated in the study (66 psychology majors and 154 business majors). The data indicate that 66.4 percent of the students reported that they cheated in high school, college, or both high (...)
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  • The Big Five and Organizational Virtue.Dennis J. Moberg - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):245-272.
    Abstract:Recent developments in personality research point to an alchemy of character composed of five elements: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. This paper surveys this research for its implications to the study of the virtues in organizational ethics. After subjecting each of these five character traits to several tests as to what constitutes a virtue, the empirical evidence supports an organizational virtue of agreeableness and an organizational virtue of conscientiousness. Although the empirical evidence falls short, an argument is (...)
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  • Ethics Instruction and the Perceived Acceptability of Cheating.James M. Bloodgood, William H. Turnley & Peter E. Mudrack - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):23-37.
    This study examined whether undergraduate students’ perceptions regarding the acceptability of cheating were influenced by the amount of ethics instruction the students had received and/or by their personality. The results, from a sample of 230 upper-level undergraduate students, indicated that simply taking a business ethics course did not have a significant influence on students’ views regarding cheating. On the other hand, Machiavellianism was positively related to perceiving that two forms of cheating were acceptable. Moreover, in testing for moderating relationships, the (...)
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  • A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Business Ethics Instruction.Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):133-151.
    The education of students and professionals in business ethics is an increasingly important goal on the agenda of business schools and corporations. The present study provides a meta-analysis of 25 previously conducted business ethics instructional programs. The role of criteria, study design, participant characteristics, quality of instruction, instructional content, instructional program characteristics, and characteristics of instructional methods as moderators of the effectiveness of business ethics instruction were examined. Overall, results indicate that business ethics instructional programs have a minimal␣impact on increasing (...)
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  • The Relationship Between Supervisor Personality, Supervisors’ Perceived Stress and Workplace Bullying.Gro Ellen Mathisen, Ståle Einarsen & Reidar Mykletun - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):637-651.
    This study investigated the relationship between supervisor personality and subordinate reports of exposure to bullying and harassment at work. Three research questions were examined: Is there a direct relationship between supervisor personality and reports of workplace bullying? Is there an interaction between supervisor personality and supervisors’ perceived stress as predictors of workplace bullying? Will subordinates who experience bullying at their workplace rate their supervisor’s personality more negatively? The sample consisted of 207 supervisors and employees within 70 Norwegian restaurants. Supervisors low (...)
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  • Locus of Control and the Moral Reasoning of Managers.Almerinda Forte - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):65-77.
    Rotter’s theory of internal-external locus of control evolved from Carl Jung’s work. In Psychological Types (1923), Jung defined two opposing tendencies in personality introversion and extroversion. While both tendencies are present in all individuals, one tends to dominate the other. The internal–external control construct was conceived as a generalized expectancy to perceive reinforcement either as contingent upon one’s own behaviors (internal control) or as the result of forces beyond one’s control, such as chance, fate, or powerful others (external control) (Lefcourt, (...)
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  • Ethical Academic Judgments and Behaviors: Applying a Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Measure the Ethical Academic Behavior of Graduate Students.Shu Ching Yang - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (4):281 - 296.
    Using Reidenbach and Robin's Multidimensional Ethics Scale, this study investigated the relationships between background variables and students' ethical evaluations, judgments, and behavioral intentions using 3 scenarios involving dilemmas related to academic dishonesty. The sample included 436 master's students and 142 doctoral students. The study found that the participants used a combination of ethical philosophies to make ethical decisions. The respondents judged improper citations more harshly than acts of inappropriate authorship or the falsification of data. The doctoral students generally considered behaviors (...)
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  • Exploring Academic Dishonesty among University Students in Barbados: An Extension to the Theory of Planned Behaviour. [REVIEW]Philmore Alleyne & Kimone Phillips - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):323-338.
    This paper applies Beck and Ajzen’s (Journal of Research in Personality 25:285–301, 1991 ) extended version of the theory of planned behaviour model to the decisions of students to engage in academic dishonesty (cheating and lying). The model proposes that students’ intentions to engage in dysfunctional behaviours may be influenced by attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and moral obligation. This study was done using a survey questionnaire of 363 undergraduate students at a West Indian University. Based on the extended (...)
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  • A multidimensional analysis of tax practitioners' ethical judgments.Cheryl A. Cruz, William E. Shafer & Jerry R. Strawser - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):223 - 244.
    This study investigates professional tax practitioners' ethical judgments and behavioral intentions in cases involving client pressure to adopt aggressive reporting positions, an issue that has been identified as the most difficult ethical/moral problem facing public accounting practitioners. The multidimensional ethics scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with five ethical philosophies (moral equity, contractualism, utilitarianism, relativism, and egoism). Responses from a sample of 67 tax professionals supported the existence of all dimensions of (...)
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  • Summary: What's possible.James R. Rest & Darcia Narvaez - 1994 - In James R. Rest & Darcia Narváez (eds.), Moral development in the professions: psychology and applied ethics. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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  • Does management experience change the ethical perceptions of retail professionals: A comparison of the ethical perceptions of current students with those of recent graduates? [REVIEW]Ann M. DuPont & Jane S. Craig - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):815 - 826.
    The purpose of this study was to extend the previous research on ethics in retailing. Prior research of Dornoff and Tankersley (1985–1976), Gifford and Norris (1987), Norris and Gifford (1988), and Burns and Rayman (1989) examined the ethics orientation of retail sales persons, sales managers, and business school students. These studies found the college students less ethically-oriented than retail sales people and retail managers. The present study attempts to extend the research on ethics formation to a geographically and academically diverse (...)
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  • Attitude and Divergence in Business Students: An Examination of Personality Differences in Business and Non-Business Students.John Sautter, Todd Brown, Levente Littvay, Alberta Sautter & Brennen Bearnes - 2008 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 13 (2):70-78.
    Many studies have reported that economics and business students have been more apt to act in selfinterested ways when compared to their counterparts in other academic fields. It is our contention that past studies have not shed light on the underlying psychological differences which might be leading to this difference in behavior. We put forth evidence that certain business majors are correlated with a marked increase in levels of narcissism and decreased levels of empathy, as measured by psychological personality tests.
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