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The language of emotions: An analysis of a semantic field.P. N. Johnson-Laird & Keith Oatley - 1989 - Cognition and Emotion 3 (2):81-123.details
Emotion Generation and Emotion Regulation: One or Two Depends on Your Point of View.James J. Gross & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):8-16.details
A functional architecture of the human brain: emerging insights from the science of emotion.Kristen A. Lindquist & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (11):533-540.details
The impact of anxiety upon cognition: perspectives from human threat of shock studies.Oliver J. Robinson, Katherine Vytal, Brian R. Cornwell & Christian Grillon - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.details
Mapping discrete and dimensional emotions onto the brain: controversies and consensus.Stephan Hamann - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (9):458-466.details
Thrills, chills, frissons, and skin orgasms: toward an integrative model of transcendent psychophysiological experiences in music.Luke Harrison & Psyche Loui - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.details
Emotions as pragmatic and epistemic actions.Wendy Wilutzky - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Perception of Face and Body Expressions Using Electromyography, Pupillometry and Gaze Measures.Mariska E. Kret, Jeroen J. Stekelenburg, Karin Roelofs & Beatrice de Gelder - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.details
Failure to filter: anxious individuals show inefficient gating of threat from working memory.Daniel M. Stout, Alexander J. Shackman & Christine L. Larson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.details
Neural Mechanisms of Reading Facial Emotions in Young and Older Adults.Natalie C. Ebner, Marcia K. Johnson & Håkan Fischer - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.details
Angry expressions strengthen the encoding and maintenance of face identity representations in visual working memory.Margaret C. Jackson, David E. J. Linden & Jane E. Raymond - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (2):278-297.details
Fear without Belief.John Morreall - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (7):359-366.details
Contributions of facial expressions and body language to the rapid perception of dynamic emotions.Laura Martinez, Virginia B. Falvello, Hillel Aviezer & Alexander Todorov - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (5).details
What Are Shared Emotions ?John Michael - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.details
Anger fosters action. Fast responses in a motor task involving approach movements toward angry faces and bodies.Josje M. De Valk, Jasper G. Wijnen & Mariska E. Kret - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Autoethnography helps analyse emotions.Ralf Buckley - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Adventure Thrills are Addictive.Ralf C. Buckley - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Fear and anger have opposite effects on risk seeking in the gain frame.Marianne Habib, Mathieu Cassotti, Sylvain Moutier, Olivier Houdé & Grégoire Borst - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
More Meanings and More Questions for the term “Emotion”.Carroll E. Izard - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):383-385.details
Older adults report moderately more detailed autobiographical memories.Robert S. Gardner, Matteo Mainetti & Giorgio A. Ascoli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Editorial: Inner Experiences: Theory, Measurement, Frequency, Content, and Functions.Alain Morin, Jason D. Runyan & Thomas M. Brinthaupt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
The perception of time while perceiving dynamic emotional faces.Wang On Li & Kenneth S. Yuen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:149397.details
Distinct effects of contrast and color on subjective rating of fearfulness.Zhengang Lu, Bingbing Guo, Anne Boguslavsky, Marcus Cappiello, Weiwei Zhang & Ming Meng - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Coping with levels of explanation in the behavioral sciences.Giuseppe Boccignone & Roberto Cordeschi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details